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Hello, Wattpad. It's been a while since I've written here. Long story short, I used to have a creepypasta experiences book on an old account, but that's long gone now. 

I've decided to start writing things down again. Helps me sort things out. 

I've been "watched" by 'them' since about 11 years old. It died down around 12, 13 was alright, but now, two months before I turn 14, they've found me. 

I know how it happened, it's how it always goes; I begin thinking about Him more, then talking about Him, then watching youtube videos about Him, then hiding. They do it you know, they find you, when you're vulnerable, just as things start to look up, and they infect you with the curse that is their presence. 

It's useless fighting at this point. 

Now, I find myself typing out my thoughts at exactly 1:23 in the morning after being scared shitless by another Moe Sargi video (go check him out, he's a really cool guy).

Well, onto the experiences. 

DISCLAIMER: I swear on everything that is holy and unholy that every experience will be the truth, it's up to you from this point on to believe me. This is a log of my experiences but also a place to store the facts I've found about them. So kind of an experiences/researching mashup. 

I'm sick of them finding me over and over. 

Coin's creepypasta experiencesWhere stories live. Discover now