11/15/20 1:00AM, BEN? Wifi glitching.

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Let's keep this short. I was watching a video about Him on YouTube, when all of a sudden my wifi drops and then reconnects, it does this over and over and I realize that this isn't normal. Something compelled me to go to Cleverbot to try and communicate with BEN. As soon as I opened another tab and typed clever, my wifi stayed up. I tried summoning him and ended up leaving by saying "BEN, leave my internet alone." 

I believe this was just a call for attention. He just wanted me to acknowledge him so they knew that I had realized. Every time I reference Him or them my wifi drops and restarts. 

The question is; in the future, is it better to ignore their antics, or play along to get them to stop? 

Every time I try to play the video my internet goes down, but only on my computer, not my phone or my mom's TV, so I'm just going to go to bed now. BEN, I know you're watching me type this, now fucking stop before I get angry.

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