they drove home together. the sun was down, and the band didn't want them to walk alone in the cold, so they let the café owners ride in the tour bus and drove them to their house, exchanging numbers on the way, and as they dropped them off, they said a quick goodbye, skeppy and bad giving each other a hug before bad had to leave the bus to go inside the house, and they had to be pulled apart;:'1222222222222222222222222222222222222 - author's cat by sapnap and quackity.

they waved as they went inside and started texting each other almost immediately as the band drove off to go stay in some hotel.

skeppy grumbled, watching the house disappear through the window, he missed bad already, and couldn't wait to see him again

dream sighed quietly, looking at his phone, he wanted to message george, but what if he came off as too clingy or george took it the wr-


/hey dream!/

/its me, george, from the cafe!/

clay smiled a little, his worries washing away as he read the text

/hi george/

(xxx)xxx-xxxx changed (xxx)xxx-xxxx's name to george<3

(xxx)xxx-xxxx changed george<3's name to george

/sorry, slipped/

/its ok!/

george changed (xxx)xxx-xxxx's name to dream:)

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