Breathless (3)

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It took him about 3 hours on the whole campus

"That's practically about it" He said as he smiled at me.

I stood there without saying a word

"So, what do you think?"

I was finally back to my senses

"Awesome, I can't wait till next Monday" I beamed

"Well, the three hours of tour was finally done, and tremendously worth it"

"Yeah, you practically covered every inch of the campus" I laughed

"Actually, I didn't" He said, as he smiled at me "Follow me" He held my arm and ran upstairs to the music room.

"I already saw the music room" I turned to him and smiled

"Actually, no"

James removed the clothed banner of the music club, and revealed a hidden door.

"Woah, too cool" I admitted

"Wait till you see what's inside"

He opened the door and revealed a spiral stair case

"A stair case, wow" I said sarcastically

"Come on" he pulled me heading inside "Going up" he continued

Minutes after I felt dust irritating my nose. Then, I sneezed. But not sneeze sneeze

I mean, sneeze, like an earthquake sneezed. I sneezed REALLY REALLY LOUDLY. I almost felt the stair case rumbling.

"Here", James offered his handkerchief  and smiled

"Thanks" I smiled, then I sorta- kinda- snorted.


I was bothered a little, well, not bothered but worried.

Not about the dust,

Nor where he's taking me.


I was worried about the large snot I'm going to leave after I return his hankie.

After a few steps, I felt the warmth from the rays of the sun resting on my cheeks

Then the sunlight was on my eyes. I covered my eyes with Jame's handkerchief as I looked down.

"Woah there!" In suprise, he pulled me up. The next thing I knew was that I was already on his arms.

Then I realizd that  my heel was hanging from one of the steps, until James pulled me up.

I was freaking out of some sort, then I was back to my senses. I shaded my eyes with my hand, as I

palced it on my forehead. Then I saw the most beautil garden right in front of my eyes

The thing that left me in awe was the marvelous view.

The both of us were just leaning at the wall, and studied the streets. We talked to what seems like

forever, then my iphone buzzed.

I took it out of my purse, then read the text message. It was my mom eventually who texted

"Just got home. Cooking Lunch. hurry up until I finish it :P "

I suddenly looked at my watch and saw the time

"12:15 already ?" I assured

"Oh, your'e mom's looking for you ?" he cautionly said

"well, yeah"

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