Breathless (7)

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I was scanning the room Everything was dark. I stood up, and I wore a hospital gown. I took a step forward and the walls got in closer. Every step I take the walls would come closer and closer. I spread my arms to the sides to see how closer it got. The walls became too tight for me to walk into.

Then I heared a voice, I turned my head around to see who it was. The view of him was faint, but I could see the shaodwy reflection of his hair. He was holding a candle, and yet his face was as dark as ever.

"James ?" I called out.


"JAMES !" I called out with a dramatic expression. I then huridly walked backwards until I felt the walls getting wider and wider and wider. I hugged him and cried on his arms.

"James, how I missed you" My tears were running down his shirt but he didn't care.

"I missed you too, babe"

Who was that? I then realized that that wasn't James' voice. I pushed him back.

"Who ARE you?"

"Your worst, NIGHTMARE !" He stabbed me with a knife and I took it out. I looked around me but now, everything was blank. Every thing was white. And I was alone.


"huh? what ?" I opened my eyes and with a HUUUGE sigh of relief, it was only a dream.

"You had a nightmare" James hugged me and I pushed him away.

"Why are YOU here?" I raised an eye brow at him

"First shift" He said with a smile. "Hey, uhhh what did you dreamed about?"

"Stuff, why you'd ask?"

"Cause you were calling out my name and cried a little"

I wiped both of my eyes then really felt that a tear was falling. "I uuuh was just calling another James, my bestfriend back in New Mex"


His face was filled with depression and gloom. We had about 10minutes of silence. I broke it when I asked "What time is it? How long have you been here?"

"It's 3 am and about 4 hours" I nodded at him and he just smiled.

"Uhh, James?"


"Why did I ended up like this? I mean I thought I was ALMOST hit by a car. Why can't I walk?"

"Well.." He brushed his hair and he came closer.

"Cause, when I saved you from that car, you landed on a pile of sharp rocks" He paused as he took a deep breath.

"You landed first, and I was on top of you. I coulsn't help but stare at your legs, it was bleeding and was scared"

He then stood up and was lying on top of me. I took a huge gulp and just stared at his mossy green eyes.

"It was like this that time, you did the same before like you did now. You stared into my eyes. After this" He came a little bit closer

"You hyperventilated and blacked out, I took you in a bridal position. Your legs were dripping blood all the way to my house and even in the inside" He came closer each time he runs out of breath.

"Then you were out conscience on the couch, I looked at my legs and even pulled my pants up. But there was nothing. No scars, no bruises, no blood, no anything. I was covered in guilt and in misery seeing what had happened to you, I was regretting for barging up to you like that, If it wasn't for me-"

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