Breathless (10)

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I was walking along the hallways with Leo, Jullie and of course, James.

Damn, how he looks so fine. WTF am I thinking!! No, I must ressist. But I can't actually which is pretty useless. While Leo kept on gossping about things and Jullie kept on listening him, nodding and replying short phrases like "OH", "AHHH", "REALLY". Yeah, and the other guy, hands on pockets, eyes wandering around. He was silent. I looked up at him and studied his face. Something worried him. Though, I hadn't tagged along with him these past few days, and he's not visiting that much now. I really don't mind. It's not such of a big deal. I mean really. As we passed the empty rooms I remembered this crazy thing in my head. I decided to acknowledge it.


Me and him, walking on the hallways together. Yet, something kept on bothering me. I liked him. But not like, like him like him. Just like him. You understand? Guess not. 

"Dylan" I started. facing down. unable to look at him. in.the.eyes.

"Hmm?" He looked down from my extremely short height.

"Do You think that, I dunno, maybe the rumors aren't true"

"Which rumor? What kind of rumors?" He dragged his hand away from mine. God, how I liked that feeling. His fingers un-interwining mine. It felt great. All I need is to get rid of his presence.

"They say, that-" I deeply gulped and breathed "We're...inlove...But, I do not approve of that"

"Oh" Was all he could say. We weren;t in a relationship or whatever, but I don't know why he took this TOO seriously. He kicked the pebbles from the road to the sides. We were now outside of school and he's walking me home. When we were already at the porch, he cornered me at the door. Being under his arms felt gross.

"WHY? Why Janette? Why now?" He said teary eyed.

"What the fu*k Dylan. Shoo! Were not even a couple. I could just kick your balls right now, with that big ego of yours!" I slapped him and barged inside. I slammed the door to indicate I was mad. And really, I was.

Remembering why I hated Dylan sent shivers down my spine. He's a creep and he's very scary. I shrudded, earning a glance from the 3 of them. "You spaced out there" Jullie informed. I don't know why, but I just fell. Feeling my legs they were shaking, no. My WHOLE body was shaking. I heared James curse and was freaking out. His voice was new to me, he was silent the whole trip from the entrance of the school until the edge. He screamed and yelled. As the words escaped his lips it quickly landed in my ears, earning me yet another shiver down my spine. The last glimpse of his words were.. "OMYGOD! JANETTE IT'S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT! GOD! YOU DUMMY! PLEASE! WHAT CAN I DO?! WOULD WE HOLD HER TO STOP THE SHAKING?! JANETTE, I-"

I woke up in a hospital room. Why does these things happen to me? I saw Leo, Jullie and James sitting infront of me. "Guys, what am I doing here?" With the slight disperese in my voice, the trio looked up. James was beside me,he hugged me and his warm breath lingered on my neck. "James, I'm fine" I exclaimed. "No, youre not" I expected for James to answer that. To my luck, Leo answered me. "Guuuurl, you had, like some, psycho weird thingyy going on. somin' like 's' wuurd". I smiled at him and James pulled back. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. Jullie knew what that meant. PRIVACY TIME. Jullie made up an excuses and left with Leo.

"Why is that when I'm around, you turn up into a hospital room?" He sobbed.

I hugged him, and shushed him like a little baby. "No, it isn't your fault". There was a knock on the door. We quickly broke apart and he tried to wipe his eyes so the tears would'nt be that visible. The doctor came in with a clipboard. 

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