[Bonus Chapter!] Sick Day | Amane Takes Care Of You

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[Author's Note]

I suddenly got the inspiration to write this since I'm feeling a little under the weather and have a sore throat :,)

Also, I really enjoy writing these bonuses so let me know if you guys like them too so I can make more of them (despite them being quite short sometimes). Feedback is always appreciated too :)

This bonus is set in the past, back when Hanako and [Your Name] were still alive.



Amane went to go pick [Your Name] up so that the two of them could walk to school together but began to grow worried after [Your Name] hadn't answered your door for 30 minutes.Concerned, Amane used the spare key that [Your Name] had given him and entered the house.[Your Name]'s father was at work already so Amane decided to check her bedroom first. He found [Your Name] bundled up in blankets and shivering. Amane placed his hand against her forehead and realised that she was burning up a fever.After ringing the school (and [Your Name] protesting), Amane has decided to stay with [Your Name] and take care of her for the day.


[Your Name]'s POV:

"[Nickname]-chan, you need to take your medicine!"

"No! I don't want to!"

I buried myself further into the blankets as I coughed and wheezed, my head pounding in pain as Amane stood by my bed. He was holding a bottle of liquid medicine, it's artificially pink colour haunting me as I scooted further away from him.

"But you need to, you won't get better quickly if you don't!"

"No! It's yucky!" I denied, turning my head away from him before wincing in pain from the sharp movement.

Amane sighed, putting his outstretched arm by his side while shaking his head. "You're so stubborn [Nickname]-chan..." He placed the back of his palm against my forehead, feeling my temperature. "Your temperature seems to be getting worse too..."

I whined, weakly pushing his hand away as my body laxed, my breathing becoming laboured. I could feel the chills shivering down my spine yet my body felt hot and sweaty, the bedsheets were practically stuck to my skin. My eyes weakly wandered to where Amane stood, a deep frown on his face as he stared at my sickly state.

"One second [Nickname]-chan, let me go get a towel for you." Amane sighed, leaving the room with the medicine in his hands as he left to go to the bathroom.

I relaxed in the comfort of my blankets, shivering as I curled up and tried to conserve some warmth. More sickly coughs escaped from me as the air was knocked out from my lungs, my coughing fit continuing. Catching my breath, my eyes began to droop as the sudden need to rest rushed through body, my eyelids becoming heavy as I slowly drifted off.


I stirred, muffling a groan as I felt something cool placed along my forehead. Weakly opening my eyes, I saw Amane stood by my bedside again, placing a plain white washcloth on my forehead which had been dampened with cool water. He had neatly folded the rectangular-shaped wet cloth so that it wasn't messily strewn across my face.

"There you go [Nickname]-chan! That should help a little bit with your rising fever." Amane exclaimed, a proud look on his face. "Oh, oh! I quickly made you some soup too! I'm not the best at cooking so don't expect it to taste amazing, alright?"

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