Chapter III

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The day after the wedding

He didn't remember a single thing.

Of course he didn't.

Persia had practically gushed her heart out when Sprite came walking in besides Makkari, she was simply unable to contain her rage any longer.

Although she wasn't a talkative person, once she opened her mouth she could not see an end to it.

„He asked me to dance, can you believe that?"
Neither of the girls were given enough time to respond.
„And I was stupid enough to accept it! What the hell is this, what was going through my mind?"

„I don't think it was stupid."
Sprite said quickly, while Persia was already going to say another thing.
„I mean, it's not your fault that you thought he was trying to be generous. I watched it from the side and it did seem real."

„But it wasn't, that's the problem!"
Makkari placed a hand to her shoulder, so she could calm and take a solid breath.
Druig was acting weird the entire evening, I am sorry that you got off on that.
Persia pursed her lips. „You guys are sweet, but I just simply don't know what to do anymore."

She let her face drop into her hands and groaned. Two hands placed on her back and rubbed gently.
At least she had some people who understood her.

„I can not wait to go back to Olympia. I never want to see his face ever again." she grumbled into her hands half understandable.
A knock ripped them out of thought, but Persia still didn't raise her face.
„If it's Druig or Ajak, tell them no."

She didn't know why she didn't want to see Ajak.

The door creaked open, soft steps sounded against the carpet floor.
Persia's brows furrowed in confusion as she lifted her face.
„I heard what happened."

„You can stay, Thena."

The beautiful woman walked over and stood in front of them.
„Oh god, so everyone knows now?"

The girls around her sighted uncomfortably.
„I hope someone beats Druig before I have to."
I will do it, Makkari signed, which caused a slight laugh to escape Persia's lips.

„I won't stay in this room and let it ruin my day." she said, abruptly getting up and dusting off her clothes.
The girls looked at her, Thena raising an amused brow.

She forced a smile, tested it, felt it was too cheeky and dropped it again.

„Alright, you can find me with the other women." she gestured to the door but turned around once more.
„If anyone asks where I am, get creative. Oh and, thank you all."

Persia forced the smile to look a little more natural and walked out, right onto a crowded pathway.

She spent far more time away than she shouldn't have. The sun was set beneath where she could see, only a few bands of light making her see the way.

Her hands were stained with color, rough and dirty. Her tunic was too valuable to wipe her hands at it.
Persia tried finding some water source around, but it'd make her way that much longer.
She'd get in a lot of trouble because whenever she wasn't on time, all of the eternals would come looking for her.

It wasn't uncommon that she accidentally blew something up in a state of rage.

Finally, she found a little well by the very edge of colonies.

She washed her hands, when she noticed that they were shaking.

Her brows furrowed, looking down at her twitching joints.
What was going on?
Suddenly, her mind was taken up by something that she wasn't used to.

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