Chapter 4 - Friends & Party

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I am EXTREMELY SORRY for not updating. School just messes it up. Sorryyyyyy!! Hope u enjoy, sweet♡s

I wake up about 9 am with a ringing coming out of my phone. Who is calling? I rub my eyes and reach my phone. León. Wait... León? I slide to answer.

- Hello?

- Morning, Vilu! - He says, cheerfully.

- Wow, don't talk so loud. I just woke up.

- Really? So sorry!

- Don't worry. - I calm him.

- I called to say that I will pick you up at 9 pm. I will drive us to the party, ok?

- Ok, ok. Thank you. - I slightly smile.

- No problem. Well, hum, see you then...

- See you then.

He hangs up. Is he really coming to get me. It's like in those fairytales, when the prince gets the princess and they dance together until a kiss happens and they live happily ever after. Wake up, Violetta. It's just a party and he is just coming to get you.

I slowly get up to have breakfast.


It's 8.57 pm according to my phone. I am waiting for León, sitting on my couch. I chose a knee dress, which colour was a beautiful mint green, and a pink coat made of jeans (AN: This made sense for you? That's how you describe it?). I put on my brown wedge-shoes. A little bit of mascara, light brown shadow and eyeliner and also pink lip gloss.

*Ding dong*

The bell rings and I walk to open the door. At first, León doesn't say a thing. I think it's because he never saw me like that, but then he babbles:

- Hello, Vilu.

- Hi, León. - I smile at the fact that he is kind of nervous.

- León! - I hear my father say behind me.

- Good night, Germán. - León greets.

- Have fun but I want her here at 11 pm, deal?

- Deal.

My dad kisses me on the forehead and I get out with León. When he closes the door, he finally says:

- You're beautiful.

- Thank you. - I immediately feel blushing, but lucky me, it's dark.

He opens and closes the car's door for me and then, when he gets in, he starts the engine and drives. It was a quiet way to the party, until...

- We're arriving to Francesca's house. She is italian and extremely nice. - He informs.

- Italian? I like italian.

- Io non parlo molto italiano. (I don't speak a lot of Italian)

- Io sì. (I do.)

We laugh. Strange conversation. Strange. When we arrive, he parks. There are lots of cars already. I open the door and we walk together to the door. He rings the bell and a dark haired girl opens, smiling widely.

- León! - She almost shouts, hugging him.

- Hi, Fran! Look, this is Violetta. - He presents me.

She hugs me too.

- So, this is Violetta. - She smirks at León. - Welcome, Violetta!

- Thank you, Francesca. - I say, still thinking about that "this is Violetta".

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