Author Says Big News

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Hello there, my dearest, lovely readers!! This is a very important note, not only for me, but for you guys... so you can sneek into the future of this story.

First of all, I would like to say I loved writing this story, even more for such sweet readers. Some of you don't actually write, but have a great eye on commenting stories - that I know for sure. So I'd be glad to publicly thank these users:


There are others and I know I'm missing someone, but, if you kept up with me in the adventure of writing this very book, consider I just thanked you.

Let's stop being lame and go straight to the business, shall we?

The new book, THE SEQUEL, is going to be called Ghost Love. I am already writing and I really hope you like the story. If you think that killing three of my characters is a big deal, what's coming is not less shocking.

Ghost Love will be published in the 11st of January.

Once again (I can't really help it, can I?), I have to thank you for all the love and support you showed me in every comment. I enjoyed so much writing this because I knew that there was going to be a huge smile on my face while and after reading your words.

Thank you so much. I hope you still enjoy what is about to come.

You might be thinking "Why is this girl always thanking, man?" Why? I finally wrote a book, I have fans of that and I even got them to read one of my very own songs. That is something I cannot thank you enough. Thanks for being a part of this in my life.

Hugs and kisses from Portugal,

Mia ♡

PS: The last update on this book will be the sinopsis of Ghost Love, as well as the cover of it. Pay attention to it. Love can be back from the dead.

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