Chapter 6 - Discoveries

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I wake up at the sound of my vibrating phone. I get my phone, startled, and see the ID. León.

- Hello? - I answer, with my sleepy voice.

- Were you sleeping? - He asks, sounding confused.

- Of course! It's a quarter to eight! - I yell through the phone.

- Sorry! So, well, you have... 40 minutes to be ready until I pick you up, ok? Bye! - He then hangs up.

What? Where were we going? Why that early? Had he really ordered me to be ready? Wow! Slow down! I just woke up!

I get up, have a shower and get dressed. All of this in 20 minutes. I rush downstairs to have breakfast as my father looks at me with his eyes wide open.

- Are you late for something? - My dad smirks, whilst I give him a kiss on the cheek.

- León is picking me up in 10 to go to I don't know where. - I quickly explain.

- «I don't know where» is a location?

- Dad! Not now! - I smile, ignoring his laughter.

I take more 7 minutes finishing breakfast and run upstairs to get my shoulder belt bag. When I come back to the living room, León is already there. His face seems to lighten when he sees me coming downstairs.

- Good morning, Vilu.

- Bad morning, León. - I say, in an abrupt tone.

- Sorry I woke up you early. - He is worried about me being angry at him.

- Calm down. - I approach him. - I'm just kidding. No worries.

He smiled and grabbed my wrist to lead me outside.

- At lunch, she'll be here, Germán!

He shuts the door and we rush to somewhere he doesn't say.

- León, for the hundredth time. Where are you taking me? - I complain, sighing.

- We're close. But you can't see. - He says, softly wrapping his right hand onto my eyes.

- León!

- Shh...

We walk a few more meters until we stop. I see black and all I can hear is people talking, guitars and a group of people singing. I start to think. Oh my god!

- León, are we in...

- Welcome to Studio. - He takes out his hand so I can see clearly.

I am open-mouthed. Studio's building is big and colorful. It has this enormous sign that says "Studio On Beat". Everyone around me has a wide smile of their faces because, obviously, they enjoy what they're doing. Some are singing, playing and others just talk. Studio seems amazing.

I see León looking at my wondered face.

- Like it? - He finally asks.

- I loved it! Thank you! - I instantly hug him.

When we break it, he takes me to a group who is playing and singing. León joins them and they smile when they see us.

Piénsalo en colores hoy
Que tu sueño es mi canción

The whole group cheers.

- You guys are amazing! - I applaud.

- León told us you're joining Studio! - Francesca says, for my surprise.

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