Chapter 8 - Sleepover

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New update!! Hope you like it ♡ PLEASE READ THE LAST NOTE

Dear mommy

I am waiting for Francesca and Camila. they are my new friends ans daddy told me I could invite them to a sleepover! YAY! My first sleepover. Can you believe this? With seventeen years old I am having my first sleepover! Well, better with seventeen that with forty…

Today was the best day of my life, I will never ever forget it! Singing and dancing was the best sensation ever. I felt so, but so free… I want to be a singer, just like you. Now I know it.

Well, as could see, today was the day I realised how hard I am falling for my best friend, León. I mean, I never thought I could. What do boys see in me? I am not the prettiest girl in the world, I am not… I don’t know… But today, I could see in his eyes that he feels something too. He is soooo sweet, you have no idea!

*Ding dong*

I write quickly «Love you, Violetta» and run to open the door.

- Girls! I am so glad you’re here! - I cheer, hugging both of them.

- Thanks for the invitation! - Fran smiles.

- Yeah. - Cami agrees.

- No problem. Well, let’s go upstairs so you can put down you bags. - I start to walk upstairs, followed by them.

They put down their things, I show them upstairs and then downstairs.

- Wow! You house is SO big! - Cami almost shouts.

- I could get lost here. - Fran adds, as we giggle.

- Shall we go to my room to talk? I’d really like to know you better. - I ask.

- Sure! - They both nod.

We go upstairs to my room and we three seat on my bed. They start talking about their personality, likes and dislikes, family, history… as if we were in a school classroom, presenting ourselves in our first day of class. Then, it’s my turn. I talk about my childhood, how my mother died, how we moved to another country, why and how my life was there, and, when I was going to talk about my returning to Buenos Aires, my phone rings.

- Sorry, girls. - I stretch to reach it.

I smile at the ID.

- Hello?

- Violetta. It’s me, León.

- I know, I saw the ID.

- I was just calling to know if you talked to your father.

- As a matter of a fact I did! He was really, really… really happy for me. The auditions went great! - I smile like crazy.

- He will be even happier when he finds out you passed.

- How can you be sure of that? - I asks, both confused and blushing for the vote of trust.

- Because I saw you singing and dancing and it was absolutely amazing. Tomorrow, you’ll see.

My cheeks were burning with so many compliments.

- Stop it!

I hear him laughing.

- Ok, ok.

- Now, I have to go. I’m in the middle of something.

- What? - He asks.

- Sleepover.

- Oh, sorry.

- No problem. I’ll go with them tomorrow.

- Ok, see you in Studio.

- See you! - I say goodbye.

I hang up and look up at them. Fran is resting her head on Cami’s shoulder and Cami is with her hands brought up to her jaw. Their faces are like «So sweet».

- What? - I ask, not understanding what that was for.

- You guys are so cute. - Fran comments.

- What are you talking about?

- You and León. You are meant to be. - Cami says.

- Girls, seriously. - I try cover up my smile.

- True. We have seen how you look at him and how he looks at you. There is definitely something in the air. - Cami reassures.

- And I think it’s love. - Fran continues.

- Yup. - Cami agrees.

- And I think you’re insane. - I make a serious face. - Of course we are close, we’re best friends since we’re three!

- Best friends don’t look at each other like that, best friends don’t hug like that and best friends don’t stay away a few inches to kiss looking into each others eyes. - Fran completes.

OMG! They saw it!

- W-what are you s-saying? - I mutter.

- Don’t lie, we saw it with our own eyes. - Cami makes a defeating look.

- O-ok...I… think I’m f-falling for h-him… - I finally say.

They cheer and party and celebrate like I have never saw.

- We knew it!

- Is it possible to fall for someone in only six days? - I timidly ask.

- Yes, if the person is the right one. - Fran answers.

- Can you actually get it right at the first time?

- The same answer I give to you. If the person is the right one at the first time you look for someone, good. If so you are lucky, you don’t have to wait your entire life to find «the one». - Fran adds.

- Yeah, it’s just… this is so brand new to me. I don’t know how to act, how to deal with this… I was so hold back to so many time, I guess I never thought of this possibility. The possibility of falling in love, to feel what I read in the book, you know? The heart beats faster, you blush, get nervous, butterflies start flying inside your tummy. I was so distant of this reality, I never thought it would happen to me. You know?

- I understand. But León seems the right guy. You don’t have to be afraid. - Cami smiles.

- Yes but… I don’t want to rush things, I want to take it slow… I don’t want to be mistaken and get hurt.

- Alright, boss! - Fran plays.

We laugh.

- And thanks, girls, for the advices. - I thank them.

- No probs. - They both say, in a playful tone.

We fall into laughter again.

- Let’s watch a movie. It’s still ten to ten. - I suggest and they agree, enjoying the idea.

We watched a romantic comedy, Fran chose, and I thought it was really great. Fran started to cry at the end, when the protagonists kissed and came back together - so depressing. We went to sleep at eleven, between laughs and smiles, and I just fell asleep like an angel, happy for what I was living.


- Thanks again for last night. - Fran says for the fifteenth time in the morning, while we were arriving Studio.

- Fran, I already told you that there’s no need for you to thank me.

- Ok… But thank you. - She says with a huge smirk on her face.

I ran after her, laughing. She is fast. She turns at the Studio corner and I hit with someone, making me very close to that person. It’s León.

Um... This was kind of short but I guess it's okay. I hope you liked this chapter and PLEASE COMMENT SOMETHING!!!! I only had one comment andI need you guys to tell me what you think, otherwise I am writing for no one!!!! PLEASE PLEASE!!!

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