2 | A Witch, Skeleton and Devil

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There was a knock at the door.

It was shallow, hesitant, almost even unwilling. Murmurs hummed just beyond its iron flesh, barely loud enough for her to pick up on, though not quiet enough for her to ignore.

A visitor! A visitor! There's a visitor at the door, she must go answer it! This is what you are thinking, yes?

But she isn't as enthusiastic as you might be. No, she was scared, rather, terrified! She's dead, she must be, because if she wasn't then someone would've come for her sooner-- so this must be the reaper!

The knock comes again, firmer this time, more sure of itself, and it echoes through the dusty lab like a scream in the woods; Something no one wants to hear. 

(Y/n) stumbled back in fear, nearly tripping over her own feet in the process. Never was she unfortunate enough to have ever fought someone, though that meant she hadn't any experience in knowing how to fight at all. What does one do? Her textbooks never said a thing about a situation like this, and all the facts and data she learned over the years in that damned lab mocked her as they were now meaningless. 

"Reimi, the door!" She yelped. "Did you hear it too?"

"The door?" A voice echoed from the piano room.

"Yes! Knocked once, twice, then silence! What do we do?!"

"We bloody answer it, (Y/n)!"

"Do we really?" The knocking turned to pounding. "There, again! Reimi, please, I don't want to answer it!"

There's a huff of defeat, and moments later, a fluffy pink head of hair peeks out from the piano room. Porcelain skin wrinkles in slight disdain as Reimi scowls. "Oh, I'm not answering it."

"Won't you please! Lovely won't answer it, neither will Nigel!" Lovely and Nigel were her two prized brown recluses, which hid shaken beneath her sleeves. 

The dolls expression only fell deeper into disapproval, body beginning to retreat back into the room whence she came as another knock befell the lab door. 

What to do, what to do? Reimi won't answer it, (Y/n) hasn't the courage to, and the knocking won't cease! Should they keep mister, or perhaps even miss, reaper waiting? Should they open the door and confront the visitor? What is there to do?

The little mumbles and whispers right outside turned to frustrated yelling; And rightfully curious, (Y/n) pressed her ear to the door to listen. 

"Narancia, you damned idiot, it's locked from the outside! Quit beating on the door!"

"Don't call me an idiot, you ass!"

"I'll call you what I want until you can figure out how to count without using your fingers!"

That... Didn't sound like any sort of reaper. Then again, (Y/n) didn't know what a reaper sounded like in the first place, so there was no room for her to even pretend she knew what she was talking about.

"How about you shut up for two minutes and move the bar?! Christ, all you do is talk, talk, talk-- you're worse than-"

"Don't you dare say I'm worse than Joseph!"

"No, you're twice as bad!"

It appeared that whoever was visiting was having some... Personal issues. Do reapers always argue? Let alone travel in groups? Fascinating...

Without much warning at all, there was a large crash from beyond the confines of the lab, the door rattling from the tremor as something clawed at its stomach, swiveling against it with a shrill cry.

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