5| Candy Land-- We're Both Freaks

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...Maybe making that dramatic exit wasn't the greatest idea after all. 

(Y/n) was sure she had stormed off in the direction of her observatory, though as the hollow, dead trees seemed to stretch into an endless oblivion, it became clear she'd at least missed a turn or two. Or several.

It was always some shade of night in this land, the sky a constant sleepy gray, though it had become especially dark with the passing hours. Crows hawked through the sky, flying off into the thick harrowing clouds like fleas disappearing into a sheep's cotton.

Desperately did (Y/n) wish to have wings that would whisk her off and away like that, take her far from the place where she ever so clearly didn't belong. But of course, that would never happen, for she was only alive to atone for another's sin.

Rubber boots tread along snapping sticks and rotten leaves as she slunk deeper into the forest, practically walking in circles in search of at least a slanted rock she could use as shelter. But, along her third hour of walking, she'd happened to stumble upon something greater.

A door. Several doors, actually, hinged to the sorry body of the grandest trees she'd ever laid her eyes on. 

As it looked from the outside, they didn't seem to lead anywhere other than the inside of the trunk, though anything was good enough for a nights rest to clear her head.

There was a clover door, a pillow door, a heart door, one with a tree and another with a colored egg; There even existed one with a tooth, and another with a turkey, the pair of them catching her attention more so than the others.

Just pick a door, she told herself, and hopefully there won't be anyone living on the other side.

The one she was closest to was the one she decided on, the plain and simple red heart, painted pretty with a red tint in its simple design.

 Now, as any would expect, she was assuming there'd be nothing but a wooden wall awaiting her on the other side, something she could slump against and fall asleep to in order to escape the cold wind whipping her wild.

But there wasn't. In fact, there was no wall at all. There was pink.

Endless plains of it, it was the first thing that flooded her sight when she swung the doors on its creaking hinges. Pink, pink, pink. And don't be mistaken, there was red, too, and hints of white in the romancing color.

She'd never seen it so vibrant. In Halloween town, all the pink they had was dirty, worn by the undead cheerleaders or the vampires who happened to fancy it. It was a weird and gross color there, but beyond that door, a greater color had never existed. 

It was like life itself, so bright and full of joy; The gust that had knocked against her smelled of candy and sweets, and every good thing there was to smell. The clouds that passed looked as though they were made of cotton candy, and were probably as soft as it too.

It should be noted that the door didn't connect to any ground like hers had. In fact, when she took the moment to realize it, she saw she was plenty of meters high into the sky, the ground not even visible from where she stood at the step of the door.

This was a sight she was only allowed to see, never fully take in. At least, that was what she'd thought, before a flower came into view.

(Y/n) swore it was a rose. It looked just the same as the one growing by her feet, but god, it looked so much more alive, so much more delicate and soft. God, she had to have it, for the roses in her own world were better off labeled as dead.

It sat poised and pretty on a cloud not too far from where she stood, and as she leaned out to reach for it, she noticed more and more details she couldn't help but take in. 

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