Arc 1: New Goddess - Chapter 9

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I sat cross-legged on the ground and let out a deep sigh as they all walked up to me. Here goes nothing, time to figure out the future of this whole goddess thing. I straightened up by back and sat up, increasing how imposing I looked on purpose. Its important to show them I'm confident after all. Intimidation wasn't what I was going for here. It was more of a inspiring awe.

As the group of four walked up to me I could see their expressions even from the like one hundred feet up my head was at. The men looked like they were hiding how nervous they were with the unknown man especially trying to hide his fear. Miya was sheepishly avoiding looking at my face and looking down a lot. She was the only one who wasn't scared of me it seemed.

"Well" I said flatly. "Here we are."

While I said this I lifted my hands and opened them up, moving them apart to the sides in a opening gesture.

"I can see you did come after all Miya. I'm sure there's a good reason for that?"

The four of them stopped about thirty feet away from where I was sitting, certainly so that they could look up at my face without straining their necks too much. Miya became extremely shy and just a bit nervous after I had asked why she had come. The man who had spoken to her and her father before was the first to speak.

"She" he said and then paused for a moment. "She has the most experience speaking to you so I had her come along."

I put my right hand in my lap and lifted my left to my chin. "Ah. Overruling the commands of a goddess I see. What was your name again?"

It was coming on a bit strong but it seemed like this guy in particular would need to be shown who's the boss around here. People who thought themselves all high and mighty have always really pissed me off for some reason. Now that I'm a goddess it pisses me off really very much.

He immediately was put on the backfoot, almost cowering before me as he hung his head and took a step back. "I-Its Jenson Butterhorn goddess" he replied. "I run the sawmill."

"Hmm... hmm" I say tapping my chin. "And you?"

I pointed to the unfamiliar man who jumps with a start seeing my huge finger pointing right at him. He seems to recover himself and straightens up before performing a bow.
"My name is Jackson oh goddess Jenna. Jackson Juniper."

"And you're Miya's father" I say pointing at the last man. "D.... D..."

"Duncan Goddess Jenna" Miya said interrupting me.

I nod my head. "Ah yes. Duncan."

I've always been terrible with names and am trying my best to remember all this. Suddenly I realize I forgot the new man's name already and my mind goes blank. They all seem to pick up something is wrong. My sudden and frantic searching about would definitely reinforce that deduction.

"Paper!" I said aloud. "I need some paper! And a pen!"

"Paper?" Jenson asked in confusion.

Realizing where I was and the likelihood any of these tiny people would have such things for me I sat up straight again and cleared my throat. I need to write these names down so I'll have to improvise. As I think this thought I glance at the treeline and realize that was my salvation.

I lift one hand. "Just a moment."

I then lean over and brace myself against the ground with my right arm, leaving my left arm to reach out into the trees. As quickly as I could I grab onto one of the smaller trees and wrap my fingers around it. Then I twist my hand and snap the tree off near the base like it was a toothpick. It must have been at least thirty feet tall but to me it was barely the size of a pencil. With my new stick in hand I sit back up and with one hand around the tree I rub off most of the branches.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 1 - New GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now