Arc 1: New Goddess - Chapter 24

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I continue walking around in a circle, the forest floor becoming flattened dirt as my feet pound into such a small area. After what had just happened I needed to think and keeping my body moving was greatly helping keeping my mind still. To prevent destruction in the village it was necessary to go up into the mountains a fair distance so my constant walking wouldn't cause everything to fall over or collapse. The village buildings really weren't that tough, it's not like they were built out of concrete or anything.

"How could I have been so stupid?" I yell out loud to myself.

Ordering that letter be sent out to the lord only made sense at the time. There wasn't going to be more shipments of lumber and their absence would have caused an investigation. But by obviously announcing myself to a ruling power like that whatever time I had to remain in hiding and learning my powers was now gone. It didn't even matter if the whole thing was public or not, the fact the military was now involved means that if they want to make me their enemy they will.

Do they even have the ability to kill a goddess? I don't know if such technology exists in this world. Will I have to start killing armies that show up to end me? They called the village a Goddess cult, something they see needing extermination. They clearly didn't expect me to show up which means goddesses are really some kind of myth in this world, regardless of their actual existence in the past. I exist so therefore there the ones in the past did as well.

These are the sorts of things I was thinking about as I walked around in the forest clearing. My plans for the future, how I could have stayed hidden for longer, and just generally thinking through scenarios that might be possible. I was driving myself crazy really.

"Calm down."

I come to a halt and slap myself on the cheeks. After that I take several long and deep breaths, slowing down my heart rate and breathing as much as possible. This wasn't the end of the world, this was going to happen eventually. There were lots of villages, towns, and cities out there that I've never seen. At this point I pretty much have to visit one of them.

Closing my eyes I can see that I have many worshipers in the nearby village which would mean I can at least travel there because of the territory expansion. There weren't enough people in the town further to the north for me to risk going there at the moment, but at least this other village would be a prime candidate. Taking someone with me from Doovlin would be important though, probably Miya.

Well this would be my next course of action. At this point I have nothing to lose. So with my plan in mind I walk back to the village. It didn't take more than a minute to get all the way back there anyway.

On my approach it could be seen that there was a large gathering in the middle of the town square, the defunct leaders of the village including Jenson all standing in the middle on a pile of boxes. Their goddess had sort of just left immediately after the soldiers ran off into the woods for an hour or more with barely an explanation of "going to think." I'm sure they were all worried about what exactly their future fate would involve. The least I could do is calm their fears. I'll fight even at risk of my own life for them at this point.

My thundering footsteps caused them to all hush and turn to look at me as I walked carefully through the village towards the village square. Once I was just close enough to gathered crowed to speak to them and hear them comfortably I carefully sat down and let out a long sigh. There would have to be some thought put into what I'll say to them, but I'm bad at speeches and winging it is sort of how I've always rolled.

"Hello everyone" I start. "I'm sure you all have a lot of worries and fears right now."

The crowd was silent, staring up at me like a flock of lost sheep, so I continued.

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 1 - New GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now