Arc 2: New Goddess - Chapter 46

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Night progressed as normal as far as those around me were concerned. Besides having to put the deer out to roast a bonfire was a regular thing for them. The people of the mining camp ate their evening meals and then went into their tents to sleep for the night. There were one or two of them that stayed up to watch me and see what I would do of course, though they eventually gave up after a couple hours and fell asleep where they were. The snake, nestled deep in the earth, for its part had made no movements as of yet.

Heubert was sleeping peacefully nearby my face and seemed none too bothered to be so far away from home and surrounded by total strangers. This was of course because he was right next to his goddess who he trusted completely to keep him safe. The other one that came with me here Surgio however had made a different choice. Sure he believed in my power but he wasn't a worshiper yet. He would rather sleep with his disgruntled workers than close to such a massive and unknown variable like a goddess. So he had grabbed a sleeping bag and set up for the night in one of the small wooden buildings.

As the night went on and the moon rose in the sky I kept one of my minds eyes focused on the creature deep in the mines. All I could tell about it was the general shape and relative size. It was pretty big, bigger than a person for sure, though I couldn't really see how big. It would hopefully take the bait of the succulent smelling roast deer because otherwise I'd have to do some kind of digging to get at it. I'd rather not do that. While waiting for it to move I just went about my normal listening and answering of my worshiper's prayers with whatever remote means I could.

While waiting one of the miners came walking over to me, their posture showing they were nervous. Nevertheless their bravery was evident as they came as close as a stone's throw away. It was the miner Aeneas. He wasn't young of course being in his thirties, but he wasn't exactly old either. I was curious what he would do so made no moves and allowed him to do as he pleased.

Aeneas stopped and looked me over and after one last nervous swallow spoke.

"Excuse me goddess Jenna."

I smiled smugly internally. To be honest this whole goddess thing was actually getting to be fun. It was really entertaining to see people's reactions. Not that I was enjoying scaring people of course! My goal was still to show everyone that power didn't have to equal abuse.

My right eye opened which was closet to the ground and right in front of him. This made him jump in surprise as such a huge eye was suddenly looking right at him.

"Yes human?" I asked quietly.

"Well erm" he started. "I just wanted to ask you a question if its allowed."

I let out a long breath through my nose before replying. "Yes you can... Just make it short."

Aeneas adjusted his posture and tried to look less nervous as he gathered his thoughts, perhaps thinking how to rephrase whatever question he was going to ask. He took a deep breath and couldn't avoid looking at my other eye as it opened, now both of them leering down over him.

He decided to bite the bullet and ask. "I was wondering why you cared about the work conditions of us laborers so much." He paused. "I mean you're a goddess right? Why does the fate of an iron mine mean anything to you? Wouldn't you rather be off ruling the kingdom and having men bow at your feet?"

These sorts of questions were reasonable. I suppose I should be expecting this kind of reaction more by now. Interacting with the wider world was really a wake up call compared to the villages that were already so used to me and loved me. Meeting real resistance is also an inevitable occurrence.

I sighed as quietly as I could. "You really think I'm some kind of monster?"

He shook his head in fear. "No no! Not at all goddess!"

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 1 - New GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now