Arc 2: New Goddess - Chapter 54

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After walking for about ten minutes I felt that there was a large enough distance between me and the village. We were way out in the mountain forest now and there was nothing but untouched nature as far as the eye could see. No one would have been able to follow me due to the rate my strides and though my voice was booming from here there would be no chance of someone overhearing me. It was very cold out here though and there was the first snow of winter on the ground. Goddesses never felt the cold however.

"You're hand is very warm" Elentra said.

The three humans in my palm were all wearing winter clothing, bundled up in their furs and cloaks. Clearly despite not feeling the cold my body still produced enough heat to be felt by those around me. For someone that tiny on someone this big it would likely be pretty toasty touching my skin actually. I had to put them all down on the ground now, but before I did I used my boot to scrape an area free of snow.

Once all of them were safely deposited on the frozen earth I settled down myself. First I sat down with a resounding earthquake and then I lay down in the same position as before with my face directly in front of them. It would be best if they spoke to Miya a bit more now that we were in private. With a thought down into the goddess zone I notified her and positioned myself accordingly.

"I suppose you should speak to Miya a bit more" I said.

They all gathered around my eye again and looked deeply into my eye, the usual overwhelming fear negated by the girl standing in the midst of the swirling universe within them.

Elentra was first to speak. "Oh my precious daughter! I'm so sorry this happened to you!"

Miya responded and I passed it on to them. "It's alright mother! The goddess is going to take care of me and help me get back into my body as well."

"What's it like in there?" her father Duncan asked. "Inside the goddess I mean..."

He looked up to me a bit nervously but I took no offense. It was natural to be curious about such a bizarre situation.

"It's very strange here" Miya responded through me. "Though it's not frightening at all! Goddess Jenna is taking good care of me here and it seems I don't need to eat or drink anymore. That takes some getting used too. There's even a couch in here! Its like a soft bed but with sides you can lean on!"

Both her parents smiled with relief for their daughter's safety and comfort.

"Thank you goddess" Duncan said up to my other eye.

I simply nodded. "Mhm."

Jackson was next to finally speak. He had been quiet for most of this to allow the family to speak to each other. Someone as old as him was socially aware of these kinds of things having grown children of his own. He was likely more curious about my plans for the three living people in front of me.

"Great goddess" he started. "When you brought we three out here you had said something about us becoming proper guardians for the village. Pray tell what does that entail?"

My eyes shifted to lock on to him, giving the man a start as it wasn't something you got used to.

"Well it involves giving you the same powers Miya had" I explained. "Then I'd be equipping you with some super equipment and even training you some so you can better protect everyone. With your permission of course."

They all looked at each other in both confusion and wonder. Such a thing was likely never thought possible. Certainly in their minds there were others the goddess would have chosen over them.

"Why us goddess?" Duncan asked.

My brow furrowed into a frown as my face became serious. "Because you're the only three I can really trust."

My New Life As A Kid Goddess: Book 1 - New GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now