chapter 1

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No one believes their life will turn out just kind of okay. We all think we are going to be great. And from the day we decide to be surgeons, we are filled with expectations. Expectations of the trails we will blaze, the people we will help, the difference we will make. Great expectations of who we will be, where we will go.


"Do you hear that, Mer?" he whispered softly in her ear.

"Hear what?" she asked.

He grinned at her. "It's quiet. The mini-me's aren't crying."

"Stop calling your children mini-me's," she chastised him, playfully elbowing him in the chest.

"The Shepherd gene pool is very dominant," he stated proudly. And he was right. Both of their children were spitting images of their father – a full head of curly dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. "And what's so bad about looking like me? I've been told I'm very handsome. In fact, you're the one who always tells me just how handsome I am." He smiled brightly at his wife. It was a smile that made her melt into a million little pieces.

"Oh shut up, Der. Your ego is already big enough as it is."

"I know something else that's big," he said, smirking. He winked at her then flipped her over on the bed, pinned her hands above her neck, and started placing soft kisses against her neck.

"You are so shameless," she squealed.

"But you love me for it," he retorted.

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me. Preferably before our kids wake up."

"Gladly, Mrs. Shepherd." He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers.

After pulling away she replied, "That's Dr. Shepherd to you now."

"Hmmm, Dr. Shepherd," he murmured, trailing his fingers down her abdomen, "I kind of like the sound of that."

Before he could move his hands any lower, their bedroom door burst open.

"Don't even think about having sex right now! We're going to be late!" a voice boomed. "I'm also carrying your children so don't go traumatizing your precious babies."

Derek huffed and rolled off Meredith to his side of the bed.

"Good morning, Amy," Meredith smiled while moving to get out of bed.

"I would throw a pillow at you right now if you weren't holding my kids," Derek mumbled.

"Don't listen to him," Meredith said to Amelia, "He's just cranky he didn't get his morning sex."

Meredith grabbed her 1-year-old daughter, Grace, leaving her 2-year-old son, Chris, in his aunt's arms.

"Good morning, Gracie," Meredith cooed, "Daddy's just upset that he didn't get his morning fun."

"We could still have our fun if my baby sister leaves," Derek said, directed at Amelia.

"Derek, it's our first day being real doctors," Amelia countered. "Mer needs to get ready, and you need to make breakfast. We are not going to be late on our first day!"

"She's right, Der," Meredith said in agreement. "We need to start getting ready now if we want to make it in on time. We can't all be fancy Head of Neuro."

In the next moments, both Grace and Chris were placed in Derek's arms, and his wife and sister were leaving the room.

"French toast, please," Meredith requested right before their bedroom door was shut again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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