Chapter 13: Bring It Back

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"Hmm hm hmm...
like the strings of this guitar,
I could tell you a thousand stories
about the things that I've seen.
Each one more sad than the last
with a lingering feeling that never
quite goes away."

Mew has his guitar resting in his arms and against his thigh as his fingers played with the strings, strumming a simple tune to his freestyling.

Eyes closed he tries his best to remember how to play the instrument. But it was a bit hard considering he hadn't played it properly for years now, it seemed like his skills had deteriorated over time, his memory not quite holding up. But he knew that with enough practice and repetition he'd eventually get the hang of it again.

Though, he wasn't practicing now out of choice - or he was, just more because he had to. In therapy this week Ms. Attipjuiti had tasked them with an assignment, a project to help them deal with and get out their 'issues and anger', while at the same time doing something they enjoyed. Infuse them together, to put it simply.

And what did Mew like to do? What could he possibly use to merge the two together? It had taken him all of five seconds after Mrs. Attipjuiti had brought it up for him to come to the conclusion that he would be using his guitar for the assignment. However, after hearing this Mrs Attipjuiti had suggested that he did an original composition to use for his presentation, which was optional.

Mew hadn't decided yet if he wanted to cover a song or write one of his own, which would be a lot more work for him in the long run, not to mention that to actually write the instrumental for a song alone would take time, and he felt like he was far from being able to do something like that, it wasn't out of his capabilities, it would just take time.

Even so, that didn't stop him from messing around with the cords and singing whatever words came to mind, if anything just to see how it came out. It wasn't like Mrs Attipjuiti was expecting some top tier musical compilation worthy of an award. She just wanted them to 'express their feelings'.

But now with his guitar in his hold and the instrument's weight pressed against him, his mind kept on giving him flashbacks of a past he had been thinking about a lot more recently. Even right now, as he sat on the floor of his room, he could almost feel arms around him, hands placed over his own, helping him learn the strings of his new favourite hobby.

The warm breath that would brush against the crook of his neck and shell of his ear. The airy laugh that would get butterflies swarming all around his stomach without much coaxing at all, and the voice that would follow shortly after and get a smile stretching his lips almost to their limit.

But then as he sang all he could hear were Gulf's words, 'you have a nice voice'. And then he'd find himself feeling all happy and fidgety, fumbling and drawing a blank as to what would come next in his lyrics. He'd see the younger's face, his heart almost seeming to be beating just for the mental image of him in his head.

He'd see his smile and the way his top teeth always came out whenever he laughed, along with the way his nose crinkled and how his brown eyes held such a pure look to them.

Remembering last week and that night in his car Mew takes in a healthy breath of air, closing his eyes as he thinks about the little peck he gave Gulf. It had just been a spur of the moment thing, he took a risk and went with his feelings, he was glad it hadn't ended up backfiring on him.

Because truth be told, when he'd done that he'd actually wanted to kiss Gulf, hard and properly on the lips. Hell, he'd wanted to hold his hand and tell Gulf about how much he loved him. They were all sappy, love stuck thoughts. But that's what he was wasn't he? Love struck. It'd been so long since he'd felt this way that he wasn't sure.

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