Chapter 4: Problems

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...Or he at least tried to. The second he grabbed the bottle of milk from the rando in the crowd, one of the pro heroes who'd done jack shit decided it would be a good idea to drag him over to the curb and give him a lecture. Not only did Kamui Woods and Death Arms praise his 'quirk', they told him that, though he was reckless, he did save they boy, Bakugou, he was told.

"You're lucky All Might got here in time, or you would have to relay this whole thing to the police."

Midoriya blinked.

"Actually, I have a question."

Kamui stood up a bit straighter when Midoriya took a step closer to him, while Death Arms just raised an eyebrow.

"So, public quirk use is like...illegal, right?"

The both of the men looked caught off guard. Kamui cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Uh, yeah. It's common knowledge."

Midoriya closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before exhaling angrily.

"So you two are saying that I should be facing charges, but I'm not because of...what, favouritism?"

Death Arms puffed out his chest.

"Hey, we're letting you off easy, be thankful and leave before we have to do our jobs."

Midoriya stared at him. He'd faced authority figures far scarier than this man, and the press was literally two metres away from them. So, Midoriya thought, in the immortal words of that one dude,

Whatcha gon' do?

"Your jobs? As in, your jobs as government sanctioned weapons? Heroes aren't allowed to make official arrests, and I thought your job was to protect civilians. I didn't see you stopping that slime prick."

Kamui kept glancing in the direction of the cameras, and the crowd that was paying a lot more attention to them. Death Arms sweat dropped.

"Hey, show some r-"

"Respect? You expect me to respect you when you let that blond kid nearly drown? Harsh, I didn't realise heroes prioritised their own safety over the safety of others."

Kamui's gaze snapped back over to him.

"Woah, that's out of line."

"Is it? There were plenty of things you could have done to help him. You could've gotten Mount Lady to scoop up the slime dude, or gotten that hero with the water quirk to dilute the slime. I'm just saying, you should be able to think on your feet."

Midoriya smirked at their faces. He knew the press had their cameras pointed directly at them now.

"Now, now, let's celebrate this win, shall we?"

Midoriya started when a large hand landed on his shoulder. All Might was standing tall and proud behind him, smiling so wide it looked kind of painful.

The two pros sighed in relief, while Midoriya just shrugged.

"Good work, my boy, but in the future, please allow the pros to do their jobs!"

Midoriya rolled his eyes.

"Not this again."

All Might seemed to be confused by his reaction, and didn't expect Midoriya to brush his hand off his shoulder. As he was walking away, he ignored the calls of the pros and brushed off the stare of Bakugou.

The sun had started to set over the horizon and the wind had started to pick up. Midoriya was lugging the carton of milk as he made his way home. It didn't sit right with him, that the pros would blatantly ignore protocol. And why? Because he was objectively powerful?

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