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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The lady took the black book near the reception table and then put on her glasses that were lying idly on the desk.

When I turned around to face the old man, he was out of sight. I looked at Heeseung he was surprised like me. I couldn’t stop thinking about the incoming events, it was beyond what I had in the mind.

I was about to gain more information on my birth parents, no matter how hard I pretended to not care about them, there was still a part of me that wished for them to be happy when they see me. Just a single meet with them and that’s it, I will be back home.

But would I be able to return just like that? What if I like it there, how would I face Mom and dad then? No, I have to go back, they deserted me like I was nothing, I shouldn’t care about them.

I soon realized I was staring at the floor this whole time discerning about these silly thoughts. The lady exclaimed, “Found it! Your father’s name is indeed written here along with your changed name. However, there is a problem.”

“Why? what happened?” Heeseung panickily asked the lady and peeped into the book, I came closer and joined them.

“Her birth name isn’t clear, there is blot of ink smeared on it only her last name is visible. It is Lee—” She showed us the information which was written on the pages.

The page was turned yellow and many of the letters were faded or blurred. I saw my name in a column and there was indeed a dot of ink was covering my name and there it was, written in all glory. Lee.

“The address isn’t clear, only the village name is mentioned—” she tapered her eyelids to view it clearly, “Sangok-ri!”

“Never heard of it before,” Heeseung disclosed, glancing at me and asked, “Does that ring a bell?” I thought about it for a second and then shook my head, indicating a no.

“It’s quite nearby, you will have to pass through the forest route. It is up in the mountains.” The lady said after closing the book and then looked at us.

“Thank you!” I bowed down, this meant so much to me. This lady was being so patient with us and helped us throughout. Heesung bowed along with me.

“Do you not have any other information about her birth family?” Heeseung quired and raised an eyebrow in her direction.

“I am sorry this the only information I have. You’ll have to go and find it for yourself in the village.” The lady answered and then moved aside from the table.

“Now let me escort you outside, good luck on finding your parents though.” She stated and took a step towards the door. “My birth parents,” I corrected her and then took a step ahead of her, “Thanks but we will go by ourselves.” I gave her sweet smile and a small bow.

Heeseung went past her and then we went outside of that orphanage. I felt a lot better and I took a deep breath, calming my tense muscles. And just like before Heesung was all quite till we reached near our car. He held out the door for me and imparted, “So a Lee huh?”

“I was and always will be a Lee.” I responded as my lips turned into a sly smile. He chuckled at me and then closed the door.

Was all of this just a coincidence? My birth name was Lee too?

We searched up on GPS and recorded the route to reach Sangok. It was all the way through a forest, there was no car around the forest road only a few I suppose.

After two hours long drive, the tires suddenly screeched and the car came to a halt. The sudden break jerked me off my seat. I turned my head towards Heeseung. He was almost about to slam his head on the steering, but luckily he yanked back just in time.

I started to get worried, the surrounding were darkening. A silvery crescent adored the dark bkue sky. It was almost the end of the twilight hour. And we were here stuck in the middle of the forest, there was still an hour-long route which was to be covered till we could reach Sangok.

“I think the tires busted. I will go and check, wait for me.” Heeseung told me and then went out. I was bored in the car and my feet were cramped from sitting in the car since so long. So, I decided to go out.

I opened the car door and Heeseung scolded me, “I thought I told you to stay inside.”

“I was getting bored in the car. I just came out for a short breather.” I defended myself and stretched my hands. Heeseung shook his head and got back to checking the tires.

I went to the back of the car, trying to take a small stroll. I was just stretching my back when my eyes caught a peculiar sight.

There was a silhouette of someone hiding behind the bark of the trees. At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks in the dark but when I strained my eyes to take a good look at it.

I froze in my place when I saw the silhouette forming in the shape of a boy, his half face was covered in dark. He wore all black clothes, and then I noticed his shining golden eyes, they were glowing like that of a furry predator.

The blood rushed to my face and my feet turned cold. He was staring at me as if he was trying to look through my soul.

Didn’t he look just like— the boy in my dreams?


Look who made the entrance!!

Also, I changed the cover, which one do you like more, this one or the previous one?

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I love you <3

Till we meet,
See ya!

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