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Jiang Dai has a lot to take care of recently. 

Submit the information and wait for the Fengqi Bank headquarters to approve the loan. According to Liang Jingche, there is a lot of room for improvement in the sales of Baoli's products. For such huge loans, the headquarters will generally give an observation period of 1 to 2 months. If there is a better performance during the observation period, the probability of getting a loan is higher.

If you want to increase sales, you have to spend your time on the live broadcast. The preparatory work is almost complete, and it is less than a week before the broadcast starts.

In addition to these daily tasks, Jiang Dai has to reshape her social circle.

She will take Baoli from now on, and the more friends the better. Bai Zhi once suggested to her that, for adults, instead of cultivating many wine (meat rou) friends with whom Eli was acquainted with, it would be better to pick up the friends who had met in the past.

Of course, this time when he was aware of the microcosm was not referring to Jiang Dai, but to those friends.

No matter how bad the Jiang family is, Jiang Dai is also a rich daughter, and the lean camel is bigger than a horse. She used to be called the social queen, with countless friends, and most of them had been favored by Jiang Dai.

Most of these friends do not have a very strong background. They are ordinary people. Jiang Dai has been quite a (sexual) since she was a child. She doesn't like to be restricted by rules and regulations. In addition, the rich are actually divided into three or sixty-nine classes, and they exclude each other. , Not uncommon.

Except for his best friend Bai Zhi, most of Jiang Dai and the celebrities in the circle are only nodding acquaintances, and some even look at each other and dislike each other, not even nodding acquaintances.

From her teens, at her mid-age, Jiang Dai met many friends through various means. Some were high school classmates, some were college classmates, and some were met outside.

Jiang Dai never cared about background, but the Huo family valued this very much. Her parents-in-law and other elders all deliberately let Jiang Daiduo deal with the top wealthy socialite, Kotai, and cooperate in charity activities from time to time to earn face for her husband. , I usually play cards and drink afternoon tea when nothing happens.

Jiang Dai insisted on such a day before marriage for almost a year, and later found it really boring. In addition, she gradually realized that Huo Rongshen was different from the elders of the Huo family. He didn't care about these empty-headed things, Jiang Dai He also gave up, and after that he still wanted to (gan gan).

However, it is difficult to pick up friendships that have been shelved, so until after marriage, Jiang Dai had little social interaction and only walked with Baizhi.

Recently, encouraged by Baizhi, I made an appointment with my friends in the past to have a dinner party, and I felt so good that it was beyond Jiang Dai's expectations.

A few nights ago, she drank some wine, and told the truth, she jumped out: "Frankly speaking, I haven't had a face with everyone for more than two years, and I've almost lie down. Even if I get married, I didn't invite everyone to... I feel very guilty. After all, no matter how good the relationship is, I need to manage it. I think everyone should be very strange to me, and the relationship in the past has faded. I didn't expect... everyone is still the same, only I have changed."

The best friends shook their heads.

"Dai Dai, you just think too much, but you have no contact. Everyone has always regarded you as their best friend."

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