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Jiang Dai glanced at Zhang He, who was screamed and screamed, and felt comfortable in her heart. 

But this is where and where, just the beginning.

The Tianliang Zhangpo she said hasn't been fulfilled yet.

After the plot awakened, Jiang Dai gradually discovered her buff and became familiar with the application.

At first she thought it was just a crow's mouth, as long as it cursed others to be unlucky, it would soon be fulfilled, and it would only take a second or two when it was severe.

But then she slowly discovered that her buff is not only a crow's mouth, a bad spirit, but also a good spirit, but it may take some time.

Crow's mouth doesn't mean that it's lingering. This buff seems to be a mouthpiece that likes a lot of evil.

For example, her curse that her ex-husband was struck by lightning can be fulfilled immediately, but like the coolness of the sky, it requires accumulation in the real world. Her mouth can only be used as a bonus. To achieve the results, the real world has to discover changes.

Jiang Dai thinks this is good too. If she can really rely on her mouth to be invincible, this life will be too boring, and she will not enjoy the feeling of no pains and no gains.


Bai Zhi was also intoxicated, and she was deeply impressed by her charm when she was abused by her own girlfriends in front of the unscrupulous man surnamed Zhang.

"Dai Dai, this horse is really too fierce. It looks stable from the front, and it surpasses Zhang He in the back. I can see that the heart is about to jump out. It's too scary. The horse's hoof seems to be flying. , This horse (sexual xing) is also crazy enough, as if you are a refined, are you really not at all shocked?"

Baizhi and Jiang Dai have played together since kindergarten. She remembers everything Jiang Dai has experienced.

Jiang Dai has liked riding horses since she was a child. Since elementary school, the two families have also made appointments to horse farms on weekends.

But since Jiang Dai's second grade, she was speeding up on her horse. A playful bear kid passed by, picked up a stone and threw it at the horseshoe. The horse was frightened, and Jiang Dai was thrown away for a long time. Although Fu's death is not serious, but the human nervous system has a memory of stress. Since then, she has not been riding hard and fast, and only chooses mild mares.

In Baizhi's impression, Jiang Dai hasn't been on a horse since the second grade. Could it be that after a long time, this stress response will automatically heal? ? ?

Jiang Dai feels good physically and mentally now, so she explained a few more words: "There are still shadows, but I usually don't do things that are uncertain. Just now, the eyes of this Abai are not quite right. Obviously, he was taught by the horse trainer. (Sexual xing) The son is too strong and is often trained. The more such a horse, the more trust he needs. I feed him and smooth his hair. I can see that his eyes gradually calm down. And I just started riding on it. There was no immediate acceleration, and the sprint started after the tacit understanding was established."

Baizhi had already worshiped her, but now there were stars in her eyes and she became more and more worshipped.

Jiang Dai couldn't help but couldn't help but exhorted: "But after all, it is risky. Don't do such a thing out of anger. In case of a fall, the gain is not worth the loss."

Bai Zhi: "..." This is a bit familiar. Isn't this just the golden words of Huo Shoufu? ? ?


It was really hot at noon, and Jiang Dai's riding clothes were half wet.

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