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It was nine o'clock in the morning when Jiang Dai woke up. 

She has a very regular schedule for more than a year, and it has been a long time since she slept until nine o'clock on a working day.

Probably because of the long dream, I slept soundly enough that I didn't even hear the alarm clock.

After waking up for a long time, I was still a little confused.

She actually went through a lifetime in a dream.

That was the life of her Huo Rongshen.

Teenagers met, gave birth to children, and worked hand in hand for a lifetime until late.

With Jiang Dai currently under twenty-five years old, after watching her complete life overnight, her heart was shocked and mesmerized.

Of course, after the shock, there is a long sense of warmth and happiness.

This dream, apart from restoring the memories of her and Huo Rongshen in another world.

Jiang Dai knew Zhao Chuyi's secret when she woke up from the dream.

It turned out that Zhao Chuyi liked Huo Rongshen a long time ago, but she has never said it to her mouth, and she has never paid attention to it.

The grievances accumulated over decades of life gave Zhao Chuyi a system.

Using the golden fingers granted by the system, she can change many things in this world after she died of old age and sickness and now in this world, and through the creation of comic scripts.

Zhao Chuyi changed her and Huo Rongshen's background, and also changed her age.

As a result, the family gap between her and Huo Rongshen was widened, and the age difference was six years, which greatly avoided her and Huo Rongshen's understanding.

But I didn't expect Huo Rongshen to come to Yanda Business School to give a lecture...

In addition to the truth about Zhao Chuyi's creation of comics, Jiang Dai also knew about Zhao Chuyi's weakness.

It's no wonder that Zhao Chuyi has the ability to change the world, but instead of making her dream come true, she created a heroine named Sheng Wanwan.

It turns out that Zhao Chuyi can't possess the male lead at all, otherwise it will be backlashed by the system.

Zhao Chuyi created a Sheng Wanwan with reference to her personal settings, but was unwilling to let Sheng Wanwan enjoy happiness easily.

So with the idea of ​​insulting, she painted Sheng Wanwan as an adult-level comic heroine and asked her to play the role of the heroine who was loved and abused by the hero in the comics.


Probably because of the long dream, Jiang Dai leaned on the head of the bed and calmed down for a long time before returning to the real world.

She picked up the phone and habitually responded to the unread messages while sleeping.

Seeing Sheng Wanwan's message, she replied by typing: "Yes, it's time for a break at noon or off work at night."

Sheng Wanwan sent a message to Jiang Dai before dawn, but Jiang Dai never responded, and she waited too anxiously.

Jiang Dai finally returned, and Sheng Wanwan was a little uncomfortable: "No, Sister Dai, I can't seem to wait any longer. I'm a little anxious. Are you going to the company now? Can I go to Baoli to find you directly?"

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