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"So, this is what I've got so far," Chip said, slamming a piece of paper on top of the wooden table in the kitchen. Jay, who was sitting on a stool with Earl standing next to her, stared at the paper with disappointment. "Chip, what the fuck is that." She said judgmentally, "Yea, what are we looking at buddy." Earl added, also sounding judgmental. "Ok, first of all, no one invited you to this meeting." Chip said to old man Earl, who then pointed his finger at him with a snapping attitude "no one said an invitation was required" Earl snapped at him with his annoying old voice. "Chip, that drawn plan is shit." Jay pointed out. The paper Chip placed down was drawn with something familiar to a red crayon or something. Lines curving on the paper with a crappy drawn Chip, Jay, and Gillion on it.

  "It looks like a 4-year-old drew it, you fucking moron," Earl said, "Why am I not on it? What makes you three so special that I cant be drawn with you guys," Earl added, "Earl, you do realize I didnt just draw some cute family portrait, this is the plan to get Gillion back." CHip held the bridge of his own nose with irritation. "Where the hell is Gillion?" Earl asked, seeming like he didnt even know about Gillion's absence. "Jay! Earl doesn't even know Gillions been captured!" Chip whined out to Jay with a high-pitched voice, "Earl, it's best if you leave." Jay finally said, making Earl huff out and waddle away, mumbling curses under his breath. "Hey, I heard that!" Chip yelled out to Earl, catching something foul about Chip leaving the old man's lips, "No the fuck you didnt!" Earl shouted back before his presence left the kitchen.

   "How can someone not know that Gillions was gone. it's pretty noticeable when that fish is gone" Chip mumbled to himself, then clapping his hands together and rubbing them together to hype himself up. "So, as I was saying." "Chip, what were you saying. This drawing is shit." Jay confronted him, a chuckle escaping her lips mid-sentence. Pointing to the drawing of jay on the paper, she pointed out the hair drawn on her "Also, my hair isn't that short, thats so misleading" Jay pointed out. "Thats- . . . I'll fix that later, you're right. Let's get back to the main point now!"   Chip raised his voice a bit, not in a stern way, more so to get her attention respectfully. "So, I'm sure you know where this prison is located, correct?" He asked, watching as Jay gave a nod in clarification. "Once we get to this Navy Prison, we'll need to have a way to sneak in without standing out." He added, proceeding to state the obvious. "Before you get any ideas, no I will not dress like an old lady again." Jay commented, "I know I know. Even if we did that, we'd most likely fool Gillion, along with the guards. This brings me to my next topic,"

"Breaking Gillion out will be hard, considering he's a blue triton who hates lying. Sneaking him out will be difficult, for more than one reason." He explained, rolling up the crappy drawn-out plan. He didnt draw it for any helpful use, mainly so he could look more professional, even though it backfired in the end. "I'm sure in this kind of situation, Gillion will take it upon himself to be sneaky and follow orders. He's not that low." Jay said. "Yea... true true" Chip hummed out, sighing. 

"What if we dress as a Navy guard! Once we get to Gillion, we act like we're escorting him elsewhere!" Chip suggested, "Where would we get the outfits though?" Chip added, tapping his chin. He relied on Jay for this one, considering she was once a navy, meaning she may know where navy outfits are obtainable. "No clue, actually. I've never set foot in the prison from what I remember," She admitted, making Chip groan with doubt. "We could just take out two guards and get the outfits!" "I assume you mean to knock them out, Jay," Chip asked, knowing very well he wouldn't kill someone to obtain something, that was just not how he rolled (considering he just rolls with it...). 

  "Yea of course I mean to knock them out... though we'd have to knock them out without them catching glimpse of our faces. If they did, they'd spread the word once they wake up," Jay explained, "Well duh! Once we get the outfits on, we just get on inside, find Gillion, and say we're just escorting him somewhere!" Chip said with eagerness laced in his voice. "Sounds like a good plan to me!" Jay commented, a smile tracing her face. "So we set sail for the prison! Which you're already taking care of, right?" "Right!" Jay clarified, hopping off the stool and back on her feet. Walking past Chip to head back to the deck, she stopped next to chip, patting his shoulder, "We'll get your little boyfriend back~" She teased at him, "Oh shut up, he's not my boyfriend" He said with a defensive attitude lacing his tone, swatting her away with his hands. She laughed heroically as she left the kitchen, Chip following behind her moment after gathering his feelings together and cleaning up his flustered act.

  The ocean's waves gushed smoothly, helping the ship travel. "You know you love him, Chip" Jay continued, shouting out slightly as she climbed the rope and swung her body to where the steering wheel was located. "Yea, as my friend!" He insisted, picking up crates that knocked over and crowded the deck like obstacles. "You flirt with him, It's obvious! At least it's obvious to me, Gillions probably clueless." She added, glancing at the compass placed on the barrel beside her.    "You're just jealous! You think I'm flirting with Gillion, and you wished it was you I was flirting with" Chip said, trying to gain the leverage in this situation. "Admit it, you just wanna have sex with me" He taunted at her, hauling up a crate and winking up at Jay. "Ew, I'd rather have sex with old man Earl than with you." Jay said, instantly regretting that sentence as she saw Old man earl near her, "I'm down" Earl said with an old giggle, which grew into a couch. "Ew Earl." Jay felt like gagging from that, overhearing Chip laughing his ass off down on the deck. "What's sex?" The sudden question shut Chip up for sure, seeing Oliver standing beside him as the young boy asked the question. "I- you're 12 and- you don't-" the words stuttered with disbelief from Chips lips.

"Wh-wha?" Oliver innocently said, now Chip could overhear Jay laughing her ass off from afar. Chip stared blankly at Oliver as he walked away, climbing the ladder to the wheel where Jay was. What Chip didnt see was Jay sneakily hand Oliver a gold coin, as if that whole bit was planned out to prank Chip. 

  "Besides, why would I flirt with Gillion? He's annoying and childish and barely knows how to read" Chip said in his defense moments after silence erupted the ship. "I see the way you act around him. You always seem happy talking to him, not the kind of happy friends act when around each other. You seem to always want to be with him, impress him." Jay explained, leaning on the railing that outlined the rosed platform of the ship where the steering wheel was mounted. "I try to impress everyone, what do you meannn!" He said, leaning sarcastically on a crate. One hand on his hip and the other leaning on the crate with an attitude.

"Chip, you barely ever try to impress me. It's only Gillion you're aiming to impress." Chip rolled his eyes as she said that, trying to act cool and smooth. "I dint need to impress you, I've already impressed you!" Chip boasted, raising his chin like a champion. Looking at the captain with a deadpan expression, Jay crossed her arms. "Chip, if anything, you're doing anything but impressing me, especially with that drawing you brought to the table." She dully said. "Listen, that drawing took me forever! Not including the time it took me to find that red crayon!" He snapped at her, crossing his arms back at her with the same attitude.

"Chip, I don't care if you're either blind to the fact you love him, or just don't wanna admit it, but It's clear that you love Gillion. I've never seen you behave such ways around anyone else ever since I've met you." Jay explained, ending her argument with Chip and tending to her work again. Chip looked away silently, seeing Oliver back infront of him again. "So, when will you tell me what this sex thing is," Oliver asked, blinking like a cartoon character at him. "When I grow a tail, buddy." He rolled his eyes and walked away, overhearing Oliver and Jay giggling.

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