Chapter 6_ Bloody massacres

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Y/N proceeded to walk down the halls as it intended to, stumbling upon guards again, this time they didn't look like the other SD guards.

They were wearing orange colored suits, having better equipment and guns.

You'd hear one of them starting to talk, being an curious shifter, Y/N would hide behind a corner, listening to their conversation.

"Delta Squad, today we have to find and recontain the new scp! It is known as Scp- 8490, being a Shapeshifter with powerfull
tricks it can use to kill each of us." -one of the guards said, probably being the leader.

"The only weakness, which is only known to a few NTFs, is that Shapeshifters don't have any body temperature whatsoever. So all of you, use the thermal camera setting on your squad lenses to know if its the shapeshifter if you stumble upon an SD!" -the leader shouted, waiting for everyone to turn on the thermal camera on their squad lenses.

Everyone now ready, standing next to each  other in two rows, waiting to get the signal of the leader.

The leader now looking around, to see if anyone was listening to them, spotted you.

You were again, disguised as an SD, but of course looking to obviously and suspicious around the corner to be spotted right away.

"SD, what are you doing there!" -shouted the leader at you.

"Get over here, hands up, drop all your weapons on the ground!" -shouted the NTF leader, probably already knowing it was the shifter.

You'd of course had to listen, dropping your glock onto the ground, letting it slide, after kicking it over, over to the leader.

"So, why did you try to listen to our meeting, you know you shouldn't be running around the halls while a keter breach is going on!" -shouted the NTF leader at you, now in a angry tone of voice.

"Sir, this is the shifter..!" -one of the NTF guards shouted, probably realising you had no body temperature showing on his squad lenses.

The NTF leader now rising his own gun, holding it up your direction.

"You now know how we can identify you,  huh?" -asked the leader.

"We already saw what you did in the save room, impressive, but I don't think you're on your friendly side anymore?" -the guard asked, waiting for an answer from Y/N.

"Let's just say I got into the taste of killing again, you gonna shoot any soon?" -you asked, smiling at the leader.

Without letting him even start to talk, Y/N opened one of its portals above the leader, grabbing his neck, lifting him up into the portal, slowly closing it, seeing the slow panic rise in the other NTF guards.

The portal closed, making a clean cut around the leaders neck, his headless body would fall to the ground, making you laugh crazy.

You crouched down to the NTF leader.
"Your not so tough now, HUH?" -you'd scream at the headless body, which was slowly leaving a giant blood puddle on the ground.

"Are you guys gonna do anything, or not?" -Y/N now looked up, looking at the NTF guards.

Some of them were aiming their guns at you, not shooting but waiting till you try to harm them.

"Oh how cute, you guys think those guns are gonna safe you?" -you'd start laughing again.

Standing up, the other guards were also now holding up their rifles.

Y/N picked up the rifle of the leader, loading the gun with a full magazine, not in a rush it
used a speed power, slowing everything down around itself, it started shooting at the guards, making time go by normal again, every guard got hit by the shots fired by you.

All of them being directly dead, you'd let one live just for a few minutes more-

"You're going to be my next disguise-!" -Y/N said happily to the guard.

"..why, why are you doing this-" -the guard said coughing up blood.

"..why? Because it's fun!" -you'd say, smiling at him

Before the guard could say a word, Y/N already started suffocating him till he was dead.

You shifted into the NTF guard, picking up his rifle and glock, getting back to walking trough the foundation.

The next few hours you stumbled upon guard after guard just shooting them to let them bleed out till death in confusion, of why an NTF would betray the foundation.

Walking by a door Y/N read out 'researcher safe room', ...perfect


next chapter coming soon!

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