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Ava and Ramsay stood by the door for what seemed like hours, days maybe, just holding each other. She would love to say she was surprised by Ramsay's behaviour but she wasn't. However Philip had taken her completely aback. The chink of his sword leaving the sheath, the look on his face as he held it against Benny's neck, the strike as he took his foot off in one swing of his sword. Her baby boy felt no option but to do that. He was becoming a man. Ramsay, Robb, Jon, Ned, hell even Jaime, before Phillip would have all done the same for her too.

Ramsay held her still bruised cheek, he kissed the side of her mouth. With his other hand he touched her hair. "You're still the wolf queen Ava, nobody can take that away from you. Not even me, and I tried for years. You may be a Bolton by name, but you're still a Stark." He kissed her again, slower than he did before. "You're a fucking warrior. I remember you on the battlefield against the white walkers. You were braver than every man, woman and bastard out there. You fought and paid the price with your life. You have no idea how grateful I am, every single day that the red witch brought you back."

He moved his hands to her hips and the small of her back. "Be that wolf queen lover, pick up your sword and show them you're a warrior. You don't have to be afraid anymore. I know who you are." Ava hadn't picked up her sword since she dropped it on the battlefield. She didn't think she was a warrior anymore. She hardly thought she was one in the first place, she had always stood behind the fighter. "I don't know how Ramsay, I forgot a long time ago." He shook his head. "You're just timid, that's all. Show them who you are." He went to kiss her but stopped when he looked over Ava's shoulder.

"Eleanor, are you okay?" He pulled away from Ava. She turned around, their daughter was stood at the top of the stairs. "I'm fine father, can I speak to mother?" She looked down at Ava, begging with her eyes. "Of course, head back to your chambers, your mother will be right behind you." She weakly smiled. "Thank you father." And she turned and ran away. "Ava, is she alright?"  His voice was now stern. "She's as okay as she can be. She was raped and beaten. She's working through it. She just needs time." She picked up her skirts to follow her daughter up the stairs, but Ramsay caught her arm, pulling her back, his chest pressed tightly up against her back. "Ava, is there something you're not telling me?"

Her breath picked up a little, she knew Ramsay would feel it. "No, of course not." Ava loved Ramsay, but she promised Eleanor she wouldn't say a word. "She just needs her mother." He released her arm and she was up the stairs as quick as one of the hounds. "I'll see you at dinner, Your Grace." She smirked at him. Ramsay took a deep breath. Power was his weakness, Ava was also his weakness. So when she called him that, it made him feel powerful, it made him want to carry her to their chamber and fuck her all night.

Ava knocked on Eleanor's door, when she opened it, Ava was shocked. Her face was red raw from crying. She threw her arms around her mother and sobbed. Ava held her and tried to comfort her. "Come and sit. Tell me what's on your mind." Ava patted the spot on the bed beside her. Eleanor sat, she tried to speak, but she stumbled her words, choking on her heavy breaths. "Calm down sweetheart, there's no need to panic." She tried again, taking a deep breath. "He's a monster." She rested her head on Ava's shoulder. "A cold hearted monster."

"I know El, but he can't hurt you anymore, none of them can." Ava stroked her hair. "I was talking about father." Her voice broke, she couldn't believe she was talking about him like that. She loved him dearly, he took care of her, protected her. But what she saw today scared her, it made her scared for her mother. She was old enough to now understand all the shouting and her mother's cries in the middle of the night that she had heard over the years. Ava remained quiet. "Please don't be angry with me mother." Eleanor begged, she knew how much she loved her father, and what was was willing to endure. She had been doing it for 18 years.

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