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⚔️extreme violence in this chapter, Ramsay is back to his old self. Read with caution⚔️


"That's it son! Hit me." Ramsay and Ned were duelling with swords, real ones. "That's my boy! Keep going." Ned gracefully dodged any swings from Ramsay and nearly sliced his leg off. There was a violent part of Ned, he was a child and he was being encouraged to be violent. After all a boy doesn't listen to anyone like he does his father.

They dropped their swords, Ramsay patted him on the shoulder. "My my Ned, you're a natural. You'll be ready for a war any day. You may look like a Stark and you have your mothers face, but you're a Bolton my boy." There would be no more wars, Bran was sat on the iron throne after all, he wouldn't try and take the north for his own.

"Phillip come here." Ramsay gestured. My other son was sat reading his book to himself. "Come and duel with your dad." He sighed and shook his head. "Sorry father, but I don't feel well today, my legs are weak." Philip was gentle, he knew how to fight with a sword, but he would prefer to impress his father in other ways, such as his intelligence or his unexpected knack for weapon making. "Nonsense. Get up." Ramsay's voice was more harsh this time.

Philip stood up and made his way to the makeshift square that they had set up for sword 'fighting.' I sighed, Ramsay was tough on Phillip, he pushed him harder to fight with weapons, to be able to defend himself. "Come on son, show me how it's done." Philip raised his sword and began duelling with Ramsay. Our son was faster than him, but not as powerful, not just yet. He was quick on his feet, dodging every swing Ramsay made, batting him away with his shield. Philip was the first born Bolton boy, and he was under a lot of pressure. He was 15, and Ramsay wanted him to marry soon, as well as being the best Bolton fighter after his father.

Ned stood by my side. He was now only a head shorter than myself, my baby boy wasn't a baby anymore. "Did you see me nearly cut father?" He rambled. Clearly proud of himself. "You're an excellent fighter Ned, but you don't need to be. There's nothing to train for, you don't need to hurt your father, and you shouldn't want to." He stopped for a second, almost lost in thought. He took my hand and grinned up at me. "I'm learning how to protect you mother, and I'm learning from the best." My heart pounded, a son should never have to learn to protect his parent. "Darling, I don't need you to protect me, your father does that. He is set on you bring a swordsman, and no other weapons master or teacher will train you, not after last time." The grin remained on his face. "But I told you, it was an accident! I didn't mean to cut his finger off."

Ramsay and Phillip continued to duel, both of them now smiling. All Phillip wanted was to impress Ramsay, he was a natural at combat, but Ned was better. Ramsay suddenly yelled in pain. "Fuck! He got me!" He screamed. "Fu-" Ned began. "Don't even think about it." I scolded before making my way to Ramsay. Phillip dropped his sword and began to panic. "I'm sorry father! I didn't mean to actually cut you, please believe me." I put my hand on his trembling shoulder. "It's okay, it was an accident." I reassured him. "Good lad Phillip." Ramsay clapped his back, grinning manically. "You need to go to Maester Wolkan. That cut might need stitches Ramsay." He scoffed, putting his sword back in his belt. "Don't be so ridiculous Ava, it'll heal by itself."

A guard on watch began shouting. "What happened? Is she alright?" Ramsay's head snapped towards the gate. The guard climbed down the ladder and began to open the gate. 2 soldiers from the army were supporting Eleanor up, the 3 horses following just behind. Her dark hair was like a birds nest, her face was bruised and there was a long gash down her arm. She was sobbing her eyes out.

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