see you soon | nineteen

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The group gathered outside Talias House, a surprise send off from her friends.

The group stood disheartened and nervous for their close friend to walk outside.

The door was soon to open, Talias eyes filled with tears as the salty water streamed down her cheeks. She softly chucked seeing her friends gathered outside her house.

The rest of talias family were soon to join her, the group stood around them.


"I'm gonna miss you mate, all the things you've done for me. You know I'll never forget you talking me into asking Faith out." Ethan chuckled, his voice hoarse and low. He pulled her into a quick hug before she moved onto Harry.

"I know we ain't the closest but you still are great, speeches ain't my thing but I think you know I'm gonna miss you." His hands wrapped around her shoulders for a short second before they pulled away.

"BEECH! Im gonna miss you so much wifey. What am I ment to do without you." Freya sobbed, hugging Talia tightly.

"Tee, I literally love you so much queen. You're so perfect. I'm gonna miss you so much." Gee shed a tear, her mascara running down her cheek.

"Talia marlia, I don't know where to start. You moving here was the best thing and now you're going again. Love you mate see you soon yeah?." Tobi smiled, holding back his emotions. Hugging her softly.

"We may not be the bestest of mates but if anything happened to you, I wouldn't hesitate to swing for then to make sure you were ok."JJ smiled at the shorter before before responded.

"More windmill than swing." She smirked, a confidence in her voice before giggling.

---skipping people because coming up with ideas for each person is hard---

"Tee, I think we all know I'm gonna miss you the most. This is one of the hardest goodbyes to ever do. I'm gonna miss everything about you." He pulled her into a tight hug, feeling a dampness grow on his tshirt. "I'll make sure to visit you in the Christmas break."

Mike checked is watch, noticing the time slipping away from them.

"Talia? Sorry to ruin the moment but we really need to get a move on if we are stopping halfway." Mike smiled, watching a sad smile plastered on the pairs faces.

He patted Simon's back, watching his lover edge closer towards the car.


The family honked the car horn, the siblings sad faces as the waved the group of teenagers from the comfort of the seats. They both had salty tears running down their cheeks as the house they grew up in became further away from them.

Simon stood silent, a dead expression across his face as he held back the wave of emotions wash over him.

The group surrounded him, comforting the broken boy thay struggled to hold back the painful state he was left in.

He simply let one tear roll down his cheek before croaking out a few simple words.

"I miss you already."

He watched the group attempt to bring a smile back on his face as his heart shattered and the sadness took over him.


Talia watched the rain stream down the window, the cars reflection bouncing off the puddles across the ground. Her face lent up against the window as the evening sun shone across the sky. She silently sobbed 4 words that broke her mums heart.

"See you soon Simon".

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