Chapter 5

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Percy tapped her foot on the ground impatiently, wanting nothing more than to leave. She tried to crane her neck to look around the corner, but unfortunately the Bludhaven Police Department was clearly built to keep visitors away from seeing the inner workings of the station. Percy could feel the other people in the waiting room staring at her as she shifted on the balls of her feet, and she wished they would stop. It was making her uncomfortable but the man at the front desk had not returned yet, so she gritted her teeth and stayed put.

After what seemed like forever, the man finally returned, and Percy's eyes immediately narrowed when she saw that he was empty handed. Seeing her face cloud, the man winced.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but your belongings are part of an ongoing investigation."

Percy waited for him to continue his explanation, but he did not.

"And?" she prompted, little harshly.

"And it is unclear when we will be able to release them to you," he finished.

Percy wanted to reach over and throttle the man by the neck, but she knew that would do her no good, so she tried to hold in her rage.

"Are you serious? The belongings you're talking about is my goddamn rent. Do you want me to be homeless?" she seethed.

She knew she was being a little dramatic. She had enough money in the bank to withdraw the amount of her rent again and not face any financial consequences, but he didn't know that. Plus, it was the principle of it.

"Mr...." Percy trailed off, trying to read his last name but the unfamiliar jumble of letters in that tiny font made her head spin, "Whoever you are, I want my money back. They didn't even successfully steal it so I don't get how it could be considered evidence."

The man looked pained and embarrassed. He opened his mouth, probably to give more excuses, when he caught sight of something over her right shoulder.

"What's going on here?" someone asked, walking up behind her and Percy whirled around at the sound of the new voice.

The man who had just appeared was about her height and had spoken with authority. He seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't pinpoint it. His eyes, who had first looked at the front counter staff, now turned on her with a curious expression.

"Officer Grayson!" the front counter staff member exclaimed, "Just a minor disagreement, nothing to worry about."

Percy gritted her teeth as the blatant attempt to minimize her issue.

"Actually, that's not true," Percy countered, "A few days ago, I was at a bank withdrawing money when there was an attempted robbery. The police took my withdrawal as evidence and now they won't return it."

Percy glared at the front counter staff during her last sentence.

"I remember that," Officer Grayson snapped his fingers, "You were the civilian who beat up one of the robbers, right?"

Percy startled. She remembered, at least, that the officer she gave her statement to wasn't Grayson.

"Word travels fast around the station," Grayson clarified, like he could read her mind, "And apparently your takedown was especially impressive."

He raised his dark eyebrows, the side of his mouth twitching upward.

"Self-defense classes and adrenaline," Percy casually waved off his unasked question, "Plus, I don't think toddlers are the most accurate storytellers."

Officer Grayson hummed in response, staring at her for another moment. Percy finally recognized him as the officer who let her know she could leave the bank. She hadn't paid much attention that day, but she took the time now to give him a quick glance over. He was definitely interesting, his features a roguish kind of handsome. Although he wore no evidence of it, he had an expensive look to him, and seemed almost too bright for Bludhaven.

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