Chapter 10

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"Detective Grayson?"

Dick hummed in question but continued to type away on his keyboard.

"There's someone here for you," the voice called out again.

Dick finished the tail end of his sentence and tore his eyes away from his monitor to where Denetsosie was standing in the doorway to the lobby. The man was wearing his usual hesitant expression. Before Dick could ask who, a small head of black hair poked out from behind the officer's back, followed by a hand clutching onto and shaking a brown paper bag.


Dick's face immediately brightened and, only taking a second to save and close the report he'd been working on, he stood up and bounced over to his brother. Tim let out a grunt as Dick engulfed him in a hug and stuck the bag further out from his body to save it from the embrace.

"Tell Rohrbach I'm taking my lunch early," Dick informed the other officer, snatching the takeout from Tim and leading them outside.

They walked around the corner and to the courtyard that sat beside the station. The sun was peeking out from behind the clouds and the breeze was light, so Dick plopped down on one of the umbrella-less tables. Tim followed, dropping his sunglasses onto his face to save his sensitive eyes.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but you normally just call," Dick commented, tugging the bag open from where it was stapled shut, "What's with the visit?"

"I needed to get out of the house," Tim shrugged, placing an elbow on the table, and shifting his weight to the side, "B and Jay are fighting again. Something stupid, but they're so loud. Plus, I wanted to test out the new zeta."

After Brenda had firmly told them no, Dick and Cass had found another, almost as suitable location for the new Bludhaven zeta outpost. They had decided on a phone booth a few blocks away from Dick's apartment, farther in the direction of the city's center. It was convenient and accessible, and although the area was slightly more crowded than Bruce would've liked, he approved the location anyways. The zeta beam had taken two days to be fully up and running, the installation process happening in the few hours before sunrise when most of the city was still asleep.

Dick pulled out two plastic containers, critically examined each of them through the transparent lids, and placed one in front of Tim and keeping the other for himself.

"They're the same," Tim snorted.

"I gave you the one with more veggies, baby bird," Dick retorted, snapping open his lid.

Tim made a face but knew better than to argue.

"Dami's hiding out at the mountain until it blows over," Tim said instead, knowing what his brother's next question would be.

Dick hummed around his spoonful of rice.

"Also, I brought this," Tim continued, producing a flash drive from the inside of his jacket, and placing it between them, "The guns are made of a Titanium-cobalt alloy, with a stainless-steel liner to counteract heat erosion. The actual design is unfamiliar, but I found three warehouses that have reportedly been shipped those materials in the last two months."

"Only three?" Dick asked, surprised, once he had swallowed his bite.

"Titanium's expensive, so it's not as popular for gun production as other alloys. Plus, these three places are unlisted, there's no information about them online. I had to cross-reference shipment logs from known suppliers and weed out all the legit businesses to even find them. Not guaranteed, but they're your best bet," Tim explained.

Dick felt a surge of pride.

"Thanks, Timmy, you did great," he said, reaching over and pocketing the drive, and grinned when his brother reacted adorably to the praise.

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