Chapter 6

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Dick yawned and stretched his arms out above his head. Letting his head thud softly back on the pillow he enjoyed the comfort for a moment longer before pulling himself up.

He had arrived at the manor late last night and had immediately thrown himself into his old bed. As nice as having his own place was, the high quality, expensive sheets Alfred picked out for the manor bedrooms were much nicer.

Pulling on a pair of socks, he padded down the hall and towards the kitchen. It was still fairly early, so he didn't expect anyone but Alfred and Damian to be up, a prediction that turned out to be true.

His youngest brother was sitting at the breakfast table, his phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. There was not a wrinkle to be found on his pinstripe pajama pants and Alfred the Cat was perched delicately on his knee.

"Morning Dami," Dick greeted cheerfully, fighting the urge to ruffle and mess up Damian's immaculately styled hair.

"Hello Grayson," his brother replied, his eyes not leaving the news article he was reading.

"Good morning, Master Richard," the real Alfred chimed in, entering the room with a tray. From it, he took and placed down in front of Dick a plate of eggs and several pieces of toast. Trust Alfred to know the exact moment he would wake up and come down for breakfast.

Thanking the man, Dick sat down and dug in and Damian glanced over just briefly to sniff at the speed at which Dick was eating.

"What brings you by?" Alfred asked, gathering the empty plates from Damian's meal.

"I need to run something by B," Dick replied, pausing between bites and Damian nodded absently, "Is Jay here?"

"Todd," his brother began disdainfully, "is still asleep, as per his usual schedule."

"Guess again, demon spawn," a gruff voice said.

Dick turned to the newcomer as Alfred greeted him, but Damian spitefully kept his eyes down, refusing to respond to the statement.

Dick's first brother was leaning in the doorway, a book in hand. He was clad only in sweatpants and the back of his hair was awkwardly plastered against his neck. He had clearly just woken up and he coughed to clear some of the sleep out of his throat.

"Can I get some coffee, Alfred?"

The other man nodded, before exiting the dining room.

Damian seemed to be seething and he still hadn't turned around.

"Put on a shirt," he growled and the fact that he didn't use an insulting nickname said a lot about his mood.

"In my own house?" Jason retorted, pulling up a chair next to Damian to annoy him, and sitting across Dick.

Damian gently picked up Alfred the Cat and stalked out of the dining room, leaving his coffee half unfinished. Dick watched him go and then looked pointedly at his other brother, who snorted.

"What, like it's my fault he's pissy," Jason said, rolling his eyes, but relented, "Fine. He went too far on one of the kiddie league outings so now he's benched from missions until his session with Dinah."

Dick winced. Damian had been working on his anger, but certain things still triggered his aggression.

"And he's mad at you because...?"

Jason grinned. "I'm the one who tattled."

Dick looked incredulously at him. "You told B that Dami was too violent?"

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