XXII. Vulnerable

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"Koooook. Love. Wakey, wakey." Taehyung was trying to wake Jungkook up, early in the morning.

Jungkook groaned. "Ten minutes more, please."

"Jeon Jungkook. Get your ass out of the bed." Taehyung said sternly this time.

"Still sleepy, babe. Five. Just five more minutes." Jungkook said as he covered his face with a pillow.

"See? This is why I told you it was a bad idea for me to sleep here last night." Taehyung said l, about to jump out of the bed, but Jungkook was quick enough to pull Taeahyung back in his arms.

"You didn't really sleep, baby." Jungkook said whispering on Taehyung's ears.

"Whose fault was it, huh? You horny bunny. Now, my back's so sore how am I supposed to move around later, huh?" Taehyung whined.

Jungkook chuckled. "Sorry, love. I just missed you for the past three days. I couldn't sleep without you beside me."

"Well, apparently you still can't sleep with me beside you." Taehyung said giggling.

"Hmmmm...good point." Jungkook chuckled.

Taehyung held Jungkook's face and tried prying his eyes open. "Now, come on, Kook. I'm serious. It's time for us to get up. We have work to do. You have sound check in three hours and I have to be at the venue in an hour."

Jungkook finally opened his eyes and looked at Taehyung, smirking. "Okay, fine. But, can we shower together?"

"No, no, no. That's not a good idea."

"Please? I promise I won't do anything."

"Oh, really? That's exactly what you said when you convinced me last night to stay here."

"I really meant it when I said it. But, seeing you wearing my oversized shirt was too tempting. These legs were begging for me to touch them." Jungkook said as he ran his hands on one of Taehyung's thighs.

Taehyung slapped Jungkook's hand off him.

"AIsh! Kook, you're impossible." Teahyung pinched both of Jungkook's nipples hard and successfully wiggled himself out of Jungkook's embrace as the latter winced.

"Owwww. Taehyung!"

"I'm taking a shower. You'd better be up when I'm done or I'm leaving you here." Taehyung said running to the bathroom. Jungkook groaned.

After fifteen minutes, Taehyung was already done. He came out of the bathroom with a tower wrapped around his waist. Jungkook was rummaging through his luggage finding some clothes for Taehyung to wear. He took out a pair of black jeans and a floral Gucci dress shirt with a tag still attached to it. He stood up and handed them to Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the dress shirt and then at Jungkook quizzically.

"Is this shirt yours?" He asked.

"Jin hyung gave that to me a year ago and I still haven't worn it. It's so not me. But, it's definitely you."

Taehyung giggled. "Thanks, babe. Now, go shower now. We have to leave in twenty minutes."

"Yes, sir." Jungkook said as he gave Taehyung a peck on the lips and headed for the bathroom.

By the time Jungkook was done, Taehyung was already dressed and putting some make-up on.

Jungkook looked at his boyfriend and smiled. Taehyung noticed.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"You look so pretty, love."

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