XXV. Back Together

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Taehyung woke up past 8 in the morning and feeling crappy. His audition is in 3 hours and he should be excited about it, but he's not.  He feels that's something's missing — better yet feels that he's missing someone.

He took his phone and plugged the charger and decided to turn it on. He turned it off before leaving Korea as he didn't want to hear from Jungkook. But, now, he misses him a lot. Several minutes after turning it on, messages started flooding in. He browsed through them...from Namjoon, Jenny, Jin, Seo Joon and Jimin. Not a single message from Jungkook.

Taehyung started crying again.

I thought he didn't mean it, but why isn't he looking for me? Is he really breaking up with me? How can he do this to both of us? This is stupid. We love each other and he wants us to be apart?! It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of!

Taehyung wiped his tears away and stood in front of a full length mirror. He looked ar himself and sighed. His eyes are really puffy from crying, he had black spots under his eyes and he was still wearing his outfit from yesterday.

"You can't go to an auditon looking like this Kim Taeyhung. You'd better get yourself together!" He said to himself. So, he decided to take a nice long bath, placed a facial mask on and desperately tried to not think about Jungkook or else he will break down again.

Almost an hour later, he looked much better. He dreassed himself up in a pair of plain blue jeans and a cotton top then headed out of the room.

He went straight to the kitchen where he found Do-hwan and Liz preparing breakfast together.

"Morning." Taehyung lifelessly said.

"GOOD morning to you too, Tae. Come on, sit down. You must be starving as you haven't eaten since last night." Liz said.

"I'm really not hungry. I just came to ask if you can get ready in a bit, Do-Hwan? I'd like to leave earlier to see if there's a cafe near the studio where the auditions will take place." Taehyung said.

"Um, sure. Let me get ready." Do-Hwan said as he left the kitchen.

"Tae, it's just 10:15, the studio is ten minutes away so it's way too early." Liz said.

"I need to get out and keep my mind busy, noona. I don't want to think about Jungkook anymore or else I'd go crazy."

Liz was thinking of what else he could do to make Taehyung stay longer. She looked at her watch and knew that Jungkook must be on his way to her house by now. And then she had a lightbulb moment.

"Wait a minute don't tell me you're going to your audition looking like that?" Liz said.

Taehyung looked at his outfit and then back at Liz. "Why? What's wrong with my clothes? It looks normal?"

"Exactly! You look normal. You have to dress to impress, my dear. Let me help you. But, before that, eat at least a toast or a pancake." Liz said.


"No buts. Sit down and eat." Liz sternly said.

Taehyung pouted and sat down. He ate one pancake as requested by Liz and then found himself being dragged to a huge walk-in closet. Taehyung was amazed with all the clothes.

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