New school

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Valentina's POV

I woke up at 7 am to get ready to school. Ugh, I hate this. Well at least I can torture some teenagers and don't content myself only with Pugsley. It already past the first day of school, because my parents still had to do stuff yesterday to put me in that school. I put a black bra on, no shirt, and my torso chains, I groaned in pain when I put them. Ah, this feels so good. I put some black ripped jeans and black boots and my black leather jacket. I put a dagger in each of my boots and two slightly curved knifes in my back attached by a belt (whoever saw Lucifer will know what kind of knifes I'm talking about.) I did my make up, black eyeshadow, black eyeliner and black mascara. I put a lot of black lipstick too.

I got out of my room and was immediately received with a meat knife being throwned to me and landing in the wall right next to my head. I looked to the person who threw it and saw my little sister, Wednesday, in front of me with a disappointed look.

"Hello, sister. You were lucky that I missed." She said in her calm and deep tone.

"Hi, Wednesday. Next time, see if you can hit the target." I took the knife out of the wall and threw it to Wednesday's doll cutting it's head.

"Do you have any advice to me? So I don't miss my classmate's bodys?" She asked carressing the headless doll.

"Always put your eyes on your target, you'll not fail if you do." I said and start walking.

"But you don't look at the target when you throw knifes." She said with a slightly higher pitch.

"That's because I'm more experienced, than you." 

I came down the stairs and was received, once again, with a knife being thrown at my head, but this time I caught it at threw it back to Pugsley, without looking, hitting his forearm. He screamed in pain and a satisfied smirk appeared in my face.

I went to the dinning room and my mother, father and uncle were already there. I sat next to my mother.

"Valentina, I was your night?" My father asked.

"Terrible." I said while Wednesday and Pugsley, wich his arm is already wrapped in a bandage, sat at the table.

"Wonderful." Uncle Fester said.

"Good for you darling, now hurry up, you need to go to school." My mother said, and me and my siblings ate and went.

Lurch gave them their lunch and I went to my motorcycle, but before I turn the engine on, Wednesday came.


"What, Wednesday?" I asked.

"Will you bring me a finger of one of the teenagers to my collection?"

"Yeah, sure. Maybe I'll get one to me as well. Now go the fuck away." She ran into the car and Lurch drove her and Pugsley to their school.

I turned on the engine and drove to Riverdale High. Ugh, I'm going to die of boredom, but at least I'm going to be able to feel some pain. That is nice. I parked my motorcycle in the school's parking lot and entered the school. Everyone's gaze stopped on me and I seriously hate it. Can't they mind their own business. I was walking when some guy stopped in front of me with a smirk.

"You're pretty hot for a psycho." He and other guys with the same leather jacket laughed. He's definitely going to be the one who will donate a finger to my sister. "You, me, tonight at Pop's, in a date. Then my house." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure, I'm going to have a date with you on your bed." The other guys high fived each other and the guy in front of me smirked.

"Oh, is it that what's going to happen, uh?" He asked still smirking.

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