Forbidden feeling

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I woke up with a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Cheryl sleeping peacfully. Her hand was still under my shirt, but... Oh my God she has her hand on my breast. I sat up quickly which almost made Cheryl fall from the bed.

"Hmmm, Good morning to you too." She said while rubbing her eyes sleepy. "Do you always wake up like that?"

"Just when I have an insufferable girl with her hand under my shirt." She rolled her eyes.

"I see you're not a morning person."

"I'm grumpy all day, deal with that. Now get off my bed and get dressed to school." I stood up and took some clothes from the closet.

"Why are you being like that all of the sudden?" I turned around and looked at her emotionless.

"What do you have to do with it?" I asked.

"Well you're treating me badly. I'm pretty sure that I have a lot to do with it." I rolled my eyes and turned around, but then she grabbed my hand. I looked at our hands and back at her. "What's bothering you?" I looked into her eyes and I wanted to tell her what I'm feeling, but then I remembered that I'm trying to forget them so I yanked my hand off of hers and crossed my arms.

"I told you, you don't have anything to do with it. Stop being a fucking pain in the ass." She looked at me really hurt, like hurt to the point that she will cry. I'm feeling so bad right now, but covered it up and made her believe that I didn't care.

"Wow, I thought you were someone that actually liked me, but after all you're like everyone else, no you're worse than them, you're a fucking idiot." 

"Get out." I said calmly.

"Let me dress first."

"I said GET OUT." She flinched and started crying. "You fucking cry baby, I think I understand why people don't like you." And it was there where she lost it. She slapped my face and started hitting my chest.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked and stopped beating me. "Why are you treating me like this all of the sudden?" If I want her away from me I need to take this to another level and I'm absolutely going to regret this one. 

"I'm treating exactly the way everyone should, I'm treating exactly like what you are. Just a fucking piece of trash." It's the first time that I lie. And she's devastated. Is it really worth it to do all of this just to forget some feelings. She slapped me again.

"I hate you." She picked up her bag and ran out of my room. 

My heart it's shattered and I felt tears falling from my eyes for the first time in my life. I tried to clean them, but there was more falling from them. This is the worse thing I've ever done to anyone. I sat in the bed and my sobbings were loud and I can't stop them. Suddenly someone knocked on my door. I did my best to keep to sobs in, but the person had already heard them. The door was opened and it reveiled my mother. I quickly looked to the side, I don't want anyone to see me like this.

"Valentina, I saw it, don't hide it." She said calmly.

"Get out of my room."


"GET OUT." I grabbed the knife from the bedside table and threw it to my mother. 

When I looked I saw how bad I was. I failed, I failed a fucking target. It landed on the wall next to mother's head. This is what Cheryl's doing to me. This is the reason why I can't stay around her. I'll stop being myself and I would feel actual emotions, that's horrible and not the good way of horrible.My mother took the knife from the wall, closed the door and came to me. She sat on the bed beside me.

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