The Addam's family

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Valentina's POV

So we're really going to do this, uh? A sleepover? It's that, isn't it? This sounds really stupid. Oh, well at least I will torture her with my life. It will be dificult for her to handle it.I stopped in front of her house and a few seconds later she arrived too.

"Ok, you actually knew where my house is." She said after getting out of the car

"It's the Blossom's mansion, it's not dificult to know where it is."

"Ok, that's fair." She went to her house to take her stuff and in a few minutes she came back with a bag. 

"Ok, let's go."I hopped in my motorcycle and she went to her car and this time we drove to my place. We were in front of the gate that opened itself and we parked the car and the motorcycle. It was already getting dark."Welcome to my little home." Her mouth dropped.

"You call this a 'little home'? This is even bigger then mine's." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on." We entered in my house. I looked at Cheryl and her face was cringy while looking around.

"Do you ever clean this place?" She asked while passing her finger on a table  taking the dust.

"Nah, we like it like this. Full of spider webs and a lot of dust."

"Are you kidding? You need to clean it some time."

"We don't." Cheryl jumped and turned around quickly. I turned around and saw Wednesday looking at us with her arms crossed. "It atracts the mice and we can have food."

"You eat mice?" I smirked.

"Yes we do, it's marvelous." She looked at me disgusted. "What? Weren't you the one who wanted to know how we live?" She glared at me. "Let's go give you a tour. Want to come Wednesday."

"I do. I don't trust her." We started walking and showing her the house. "This is the main entry hall. Me and my brother Pugsley find it usefull to practice sword fighting here and Valentina teach us the moves." Cheryl looked at me and mouthed 'sword fighting?' I nodded. We went towards Lurch's organ. 

"This is Lurch's organ. He sometimes plays for us when we sit in the great room."

"Lurch?" Cheryl asked.

"He's some kind of a butler, but a driver and a gardener at the same time. And one of our guinea pigs, to experiment every kind of weapons, from swords to explosives." I explained. Cheryl nodded scared.We went towards the basement's door.

"That's the door to the basement and granny's kitchen we can't go down there now, she's canning the neighboors." Wednesday continued.

"She's doing what?" Cheryl whispered and I smirked to see how terrified she was.We went to father's study.

"Through here is my father's study." Wednesday said. "Me and Valen sometimes use this place to spy on conniving people." We walked towards the conservatory. "This is the conservatory where Lurch sometimes plays and mother grows plants ad throws parties." We went to the nursery. "This is the nursery. This is where that thing lives."

"What thing?"

"Our baby brother. Wednesday and Pugsley want to get rid of him." I said.

"Why would you want that." She asked Wednesday.

"They think that mother and father loved them less now that there's a baby in the family, so they want just the three of us again."

"Or less." Me and Wednesday said at the same time.

"Ok." Cheryl whispered.

"This is the baby's cradle. This is where it sleeps. This is its mobile." She pointed to a mobile made of knives. "We hope it falls. If you notice, there's a theme to this wall." She pointed to a wall. "A theme we hope will comunicate itself to the baby." Cheryl cleared her throat disturbed and we got out of the baby's room. We went to the hallway. "This is upstairs hallway, it leads to all the bedrooms. This is Valen's room, where I presume you'll sleep."

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