Plan Z

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(This might be an intense chapter.)

5- break his bones

6- cut off his fingers

7- burn his skin with the runic symbol that means sacrifice

8- Pull off an eye from his face

I closed this notebook and grabbed another that I had in my bag. A diary. I know it's weird, but I found it useful. By the way, I'm at the Fox forest at night working on what to do with Nick. It was supposed to be yesterday, but Wednesday and Pugsley were caught when they tried to get him. In their deffense I didn't exactly gave them time to plan it.

'Tomorrow it's the day where that filthy pervert of Dick St. Clair is gonna get what he deserves. I'm still trying to find the perfect torture to him. I've heard that emotional torture it's the best, but it will take a lot of time until I find out what will be the best way of doing it and I want my and Cheryl's revenge as soon as I can, so I just need to find a enough painfull idea to him.'

I closed it and saved it. I looked in my bag and I found another diary. I must put him in there by accident. I opened it and read it and remembered what diary was it. It's the one of when I was 10.

'Dear diary, today I saw on the streets a beautiful redhead girl. She's really cute, for some reason I really want to know her and she's not getting off my head. I don't get this honestly.' 

Oh, shit. I knew Cheryl's name wasn't strange to me. I've already had a crush on her, though I never talked to her.

'Dear diary, I found out the redheads name. It's Cheryl Blossom. I really love this name, but I don't have the guts to talk to her, it's weird I know and I hate it, exactly beacause of that, that I threw my baby brother Pugsley from the roof to canalize my rage about this.'

'Dear diary, the redhead has a boyfriend. At least I saw her kissing a redhead boy, which at the beggining I thought it was her brother. I'm going to kill him. I don't even know the girl, but I don't want her to kiss other guys. It's odd, but it's true.'

'Dear diary, today I shoot an arrow with my bow to the boy and it hit his leg. I'm proud of myself.'

"Bonsoir, Valentina." I jumped, closed the diary, placed it next to me and looked to the person who talked. It was Cheryl. She was standing there smiling with a lantern on her hand. 

"Cheryl. What are you doing here?"

"Just having a late night walk. What are you doing here?"

"Just reading some stuff."

"Hmm." She placed the lantern on a rock and came sit next to me on another rock. I sighed and looked away from her. "What's wrong, VV? Trip down memory lane gotten you blue?" She said walking her fingers towards my diary. She grabbed it and stood up quickly. I did the same.

"Give me that, Cheryl."

"Oh, so you used to have a crush on me when we were little, but you were afraid of me? So cute." She said mocking me. "And someone was jealous. Don't worry it meant nothing."

"Not worried." I said taking the book from her. She laughed.

"Don't worry, VV. No one will know about it. But my silence has a price." I rolled my eyes. This is kind of humiliating and I don't want her to be around there telling that to people.

"What do you want?" She smiled mischiveously

"A kiss?"

"I'm sorry what?" Is she kidding me?

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