Inside the Witch Hut

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Bakugou's Pov:

There I sat, in a wooden chair, tied to this stupid prince. Why were we tied up? BECAUSE HE DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TOLD HIM NOT TO KNOCK! Ugh! I hate this stupid half 'n' half doofus. 

Todoroki has been trying to apologize to me ever since the witches went into a different room, I've been ignoring him, refusing to forgive him.

"Bakugou? I'm really sorry, please forgive me..." Todoroki said to me once again, I wasn't gonna give in.

After 5 more minutes of stupid Shoto apologizing to me the girls finally came back. They both glared at me, obviously still pissed at me.

"Well Well Well." Uraraka starts before Mei finished for her.

"Welcome back little blond. We still have some unfinished business that needs to be settled between you."

"For the last time, the greenette dwarf is all yours, stop blaming me, I didn't spell him or anything, I ain't some stupid witch like you two." I insulted while glaring at the witches. Both Uraraka and Mei got offended.

"How dare you!" The brunette witch snapped before sticking her wand in my face.

"Wow. A stick. What are you gonna do? Pick my nose with it?!" I joked before beginning to laugh. "last time I was here you two both sucked at casting spells and almost set your own hut on fire." I said while showing them I wasn't scared of them.

"Oh we'll show yo-!" Before Mei could continue she was interrupted by the dual haired prince.

"Excuse me, could you three settle this another time? I don't want to be in the middle of your guys's problems." He said. When Mei remembered Todoroki was also in the room she chuckled a bit.

"Sorry stranger, we haven't introduced ourselves to you." Mei said while smiling at Todoroki. "Hiya! My name is Mei Hatsume!" The pink haired witch said.

"And my name is Ochako Uraraka!" The brunette witch said after her friend.

"Also known as Thing one and Thing Two." I said before rolling my eyes.

"Bakugou. Be nice." The prince said.

"Make me, Your HiGhNeSs" I scoffed out, receiving a nudge from Todoroki's elbow as in 'knock it off'.

"Your Highness?" Uraraka asked while tilting her head.

"Wait- You're a TODOROKI!?" Mei asked while quickly tying them. "We are so so sorry, please don't be mad and hurt us for this misunderstanding!" Mei said quickly before backing away a bit as Uraraka did the same.

"If we knew you were a Todoroki we wouldn't have tied you and Bakugou up, we mean no harm!" The brunette said.

Once I was free I stood up and started stretching. I was finally not stuck to this halfie. I turn around to see Todoroki start standing up as well. I smack the back of his head before crossing my arms.

"Next time listen to me!" I snapped at him before he faced me.

"I'm sorry, we needed a place to stay for the night." Todoroki said.

" A place to stay? You can stay with us!" Mei said cheerfully.

"Yeah! We don't mind!" The witches said in sync.

"Are you sure? We don't want to cause you any problems." Todoroki said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"We don't mind, we owe you after all for tying you up. Yes we have things that we want to settle with Bakugou but that can wait. Please, make yourselves at home." Uraraka said to us. I just rolled my eyes from hearing their sudden change in attitude because they found out Shoto was a prince and a son of Enji Todoroki.

"Thank you so much ladies, we owe you big time." Shoto said while bowing towards the witches.

"It's no big deal! It's late, go ahead and get some sleep." Mei said before grabbing a few blankets and pillows for both boys.

"Thanks again." Todoroki said while setting up.

I just looked at the two witches and they both made a 'hmph' sound, ending with me rolling my eyes and shaking my head. After setting up my own spot the two witches left, probably heading to their own rooms.

Once I was done setting up I started to lay down on my back with a blanket covering me for warmth. Todoroki laid besides me silently .I caught him peaking at me a few times before finally say something.

"So...What did you do exactly to upset them?" He asked me,

"What did I do? Nothing. They both have a crush on the same boy but he has a crush on me for some reason. His crush started after I saved him from some bandits. He's also been doing little jobs for me like finding some lost items that belonged to my parents that I want back." I answered honestly.

I started thinking about my mom and her bright smile before picturing her being murdered. After I quickly rolled onto my side before pulling the blanket over my head so I was fully submerged and hidden under the blanket. I could feel some tears start to trail down my cheeks as I curled in on myself, staying as small as I could before trying to think about something else like Kirishima and his home Curious about what Kirishima is doing, if Momo's been training everyone with eaze, and if my friends are finished collecting somethings I asked them to get.

End Of Chapter

Word Count: 874

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