Preparation Part 1

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Third Person Pov:

As the sun rose up, everyone started getting to work. People were training, gathering materials, taking care of the horses, and preparing some weapons. There were people turning sticks into some spears and arrows, some boulders were rounded up and thrown into waggons. Mina and Denki were out grabbing medicinal herbs, they were going around using all the coin on them to buy herbs in villages they passed and they also searched mountains, streams, and fields. Yayarozu was training everyone that wanted to participate in the war and she wasn't being nice today, if they did something wrong she fixed it quickly. Sero was preparing a waggon and horse as Todoroki helped work on breakfast. Jirou was stuck keeping an eye on Hawks who had been brought back, they treated his wounds but he isn't being trusted, they basically tied him down so he couldn't escape. Dabi was out fighting against Shigaraki, saving his anger for Enji's men.
Through the halls you hear the light grunts coming from those who fought, you could hear every clash echo as swords impacted each other, you could literally tell how hard everyone was working, this war was important for a lot of people after all

The blond begins to stir awake. He was sleeping comfortably with his friend.He ended up sleeping in a little, something he hasn't been able to do after meeting Todoroki. Because of that, Kirishima let the blond sleep on him.
After the red head felt the blond shift a bit he looked down to see his friend's eyes flutter open.

"Good morning sleeping Beauty." Kirishima joked before rubbing Bakugou's back lightly. Bakugou tilted his head back a bit so he could see Kirishima's face.

"Mornin'" The blond replied before sitting up. "Is the sun up yet?"

"Yes, the sun has been up for an hour or so, I wanted to let you sleep in but had our friends start prepping and training for the war." Kirishima explains. Bakugou just nods before standing up and grabbing his cape.

"No more resting, we have work to do." Bakugou says and Kirishima got up.

"Hawks was caught and he was the traitor." Kirishima informs Bakugou who just nodded once again before receiving his task.

"Do you remember those two witches that gave us a little trouble?" Bakugou asked the redhead who just folded his arms.

"What about them." He asked coldy.

"Can you go to their place and ask if they could come hold the fort down with Mina, they would be a big help. Just tell them Deku will be there." Bakugou asked but basically ordered the red who just sighed in return.

"If that's what you'd like me to do then I careful when you go to the village..." Kirishima said before watching the blond vanish from his view.

Bakugou walked through the halls, greeting everyone that passed by him. He makes his way to the dining hall since he was feeling hungry since he skipped dinner last night. When the blond reached the kitchen he caught a nice whiff of baked bread? He didn't know exactly so he followed the scent all the way to a soft looking loaf that was sitting on a plate, it was still steaming so it obviously just recently came out of the oven. Bakugou looks around again and no one was around so he decided to cut a slice for himself before nibbling on it. He couldn't help but hum from delight before choking on his bread after feeling someone poke his back.

"Give a warning next time!" Bakugou coughed out before looking over to see Todoroki had caught him stealing the bread he made.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"I wasn't scared!" Bakugou claimed and Todoroki rolled his eyes.

"Well? How's the bread?" Todoroki asked while leaning against the wall.

"It's definitely something I wasn't expecting to taste so good. Why? You aren't the one that made this, right?"

"Actually I did make it, and I am glad you like it." Todoroki said, sounding very proud.

"Yeah yeah, don't get used to me trying your food...I was just hungry." I said in return before turning around and heading towards the doorway. "Come on, it's time to go." I ordered before heading over to Sero who was sitting in a waggon while telling some random story to a few kids that gathered around him. As I got closer I got to hear what he was saying, he was telling the kids about how he took down a "giant" which never happened.
"Sorry Kids, you gotta go play elsewhere, we are leaving." I said before patting one on the head and sending them away.

"Took you long enough, I've been waiting forever!" Sero whined out and I just rolled my eyes before climbing into back of the waggon before laying down.

"I'm here now aren't I? Let's go." I ordered before tilting my head so I could see Sero nod as Todoroki sat up front with the Ravenette. "I expect you both to be on your best behavior and be aware, we could get ambushed if we aren't careful." I joked before hearing Sero scoff.

"I'm no child and I'm always careful!" Sero complained as he drove the waggon

"Says the one who was charmed by a Witch." I said before resting my eyes.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 874

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