Finding out Bakugou is gone

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Kirishima's Pov:

I was waiting for Bakugou to return from his hunt, it was getting dark and I was starting to worry. Bakugou had gone out with the new girl Jirou and both of them haven't returned just yet. I was against letting Bakugou go without me but he insisted that I stayed here and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Currently I was with Mina who was making some new medicine. Honestly we are lucky to have her with us, I wouldn't know what to do if any of us were sick with something bad.

"Hey Kirishima?" Mina called my name so I looked over at her.

"Yes Mina?" I responded.

"If you are so worried about Bakugou you can go, I'm all set right now." Mina told me. Was I being obvious about worrying about Bakugou?

"W-what do you mean? I'm not worried about Bakugou, I trust him." I answered while looking off to the side.

"Kirishima, you've been pacing around the room for the past hour. Go on, go find Bakugou." She ordered before pushing me out of the room. "I can't think with all your pacing."

"S-sorry.." I mumbled before walking off. As I was heading downstairs I felt an arm wrap around my neck so I looked over to see who the arm belonged to and it was Sero.

"Hey Kirishima, I was gonna run to town to grab some things, wanna come with me?" The tall ravenette asked.

"Sure, I don't mind going with you, I was planning to go out and get some fresh air anyways." I answered before watching Sero's smile grow.

"Don't go without me!" The two of us heard from behind us so the two of us turned around to see Kaminari catching up to us. "Can I come with you two?" Kaminari asked once he was finally caught up to us.

"Sure man, the three of us can all go out." Sero replied.

"Sweet!" Denki cheered and I just chuckled.

I guess it wouldn't hurt if all of us went to town. I mean, I don't think anyone needs us. "We should tell Mina and Yayarozu just in case." I told them and watched as they agreed. "I'll tell Yayarozu, you guys go tell Mina."

"Alright, wait for us by the exit." Sero said before walking off with Denki following right behind him.I begin my journey down to the lobby type area of the cave before making my way to the training grounds where Yayarozu has been spending all her time. She was training all the new guys and girls who wanted to go to war with us. I didn't trust her at first but since Bakugou did, I learned to trust her. She was a great asset to our clan. Without her I don't think a fourth of our clan would be ready to fight Enji Todoroki and his big army.

As I got closer to the training ground I could hear grunts, the sound of wood clashing together, and Yayarozu instructing everyone. When the training grounds were in view I could see everyone working hard in their training, I could see everyone was really good and was still getting better every time.  

When I spotted Yayarozu she was instructing some people who were dueling with wooden swords. She was really good when it came to giving tips. She was really good at her job.
When she spotted me she sent the duelers away before walking over to me.

"Good Afternoon Kirishima, what can I do for you?" She asked in a soft kind tone.

"Good Afternoon Yayarozu. How's the training? I just wanted to let you know that Sero, Kaminari, and I are gonna head to town." I responded while smiling at her.

"The training is going great, everyone will be ready in a few days, three days the most." She answered while leaning against the wall, still facing me. "Do you mind getting some straw for me? I think we need more dummies/targets." She told me and of course I said yes.

"Of course, is that all you need?" Yayarozu takes a second to think but gets nothing so she shook her head. "Alright, I'll see you at dinner." I said before taking my leave.

"Be careful!" She said before I was out of sight.

After leaving the training grounds I headed to the main entrance and waited for the other two to join. After a few minutes I heard someone call out my name so I looked over to see Jirou with a horse carrying all the meat from her successful hunt.

"Hey Kirishima? Did Bakugou return?" She asked after making her way to me and I looked at her confused

"What do you mean? He was hunting with you." I asked while looking at her with a confused look.

"He was at first but then I couldn't find him, I assumed he came back here since I couldn't find him anywhere." She told me. I started glaring at Jirou before roughly grabbing her by the wrist.

"You lost Bakugou?!" I snapped, not noticing my eyes had started glowing a bright red as I started to growl a bit. 

"K-Kirishima.." She starts but I cut her off.

"What?! I should've went with you guys!" I growled out while tightening my hold on her grip.I watched the ravenette witch wince in pain as I started to snarl a bit. I was about to snap at her but Sero intervened by separating the two of us.

"What the hell is going on?!" He asked in a serious tone while standing between me and Jirou. 

"I-It's alright Sero, he had every right to be mad at me." Jirou mumbled from behind the tall ravenette.

"Why? What happened?" He asked, trying to understand the situation but I left before hearing Jirou repeat what happened. 

I exited the cave and began my search for Bakugou. I really hope he is okay...I should've went with them earlier! Why didn't I listen to my gut! My gut is always right!
Please be okay Bakugou...

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 985

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