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Meredith's alarm started screaming as she rolled over and hit it off, getting out of bed.

she quickly changed and brushed her teeth before heading out. she was at the hospital in 5 minutes.

she found the nearest office meeting a kind nurse.

"hey, i was wondering if you could show me to the chiefs office?" she asked rubbing her temples. the nurse gave her directions and 10 minutes later she was knocking on derek's door.

"come in" he said, looking back from eyeing two ties, debating which one, when the petite blonde women catching his eye.

"the blue one" she said smiling. "it brings out your eyes".

"thanks." he said setting down the other tie, "you can just have a seat where ever." he said, looking over.

"thanks." she said, sitting down noticing the ferry boat model.

"ferries?" she said curiously looking up at the taller man, she didn't realize how captivating he actually was.

"yes. they're beautiful. my dad- you know, that's- never mind." he said sighing walking back over to his chair and sitting. Meredith wanted to ask but she wasn't going too. she barley knew this man.

"i've never been." she said placing the statue back on the window sill where it previously sat.

"they're great. you should" he said motioning for her to come over and sit in the chair in-front of his desk.

"so here is your contract." he said sliding her a paper and pen. she quickly signed it, looking down at derek's signature right above hers.

"cursive handwriting?"

"i've only started writing like that when i became chief" he said smiling. she noticed his teeth, i mean who wouldn't they're perfect.

"how long have you? been chief?" she clarified the question.

"about 9 months or so." he said as his pager started going off.

"i've got to go. chiefly things, it won't take long so you can wait for me to give you a tour if you'd like?" he asked curiously standing up, walking to the door.

"that'd be great. i'd love that" she said smiling. "where exactly do i sit?"

"you can sit here if you'd like." he said smiling walking out. she really had no where else to sit, so she did. she sat there, looking around the room, it was beautifully decorated, he must've had someone do it for him. on his desk there was a picture of him, and a women in her late 20's early 30's. he had a wife didn't he?

Derek made his way back to his office, he'd been gone no more then 20 minutes, when he walked in Meredith was staring at the picture of him and amy on the desk.

"is that your wife?" she asked pointing to the picture.

"no. i'm single. she's my sister" derek said, looking at meredith, who's cheeks immediately turned red.


"do you wanna go on that tour now?" derek said leaning on the door frame.

"that'd be great.'' meredith smiled.

"first we have to introduce you to our staff. it's a tradition." he said showing her to the top of the stair case, where everyone was standing below.

"hello everyone. thank you all for coming." he said smiling, meredith noticed a redhead smiling at derek. she quickly brushed it off.

"this is Dr.Meredith Grey." derek happily announced. "she will be treated just like all of you, she will not be left out. she's an amazing neuro surgeon." derek smiled hoping he was right. the redheads hand shot up immediately.

"chief shepherd, is she the new attending? i can give her the tour" april smiled happily.

"that's okay thank you, and yes she is." he said before dismissing everyone.

"that's your wife then." meredith said as she turned on her heels giggling a little.

"is not." he said with a straight face. anyways. that's not the point follow me." he said leading to her the e.r.

"this is pretty explanatory, the er" he said as she looked around, it was a nice e.r,

"so you know where my office is, i'll show you to yours" he said leading her out and up the stairs. as he opened the door to an office, it was empty.

"the view?" he asked looking at her staring at the window.

"it's beautiful."

"it used to be my office," he smiled. he did miss this office, it was spacious and had the best view. "i promised to never give it to someone else. but here we are" he said , as she followed him out, he showed her to the attending's lounge even though everyone was in surgery.

"okay one last stop" he said, and she was confused she thought this covered everything. derek lead her to the basement.

"this is where i go, when i need a break." he said showing her to the tunnel.

"don't worry i won't tell anyone" she said and they both laughed.

"good." he smiled.
They eventually parted ways, Meredith was standing at the nurses desk when a blonde came up to her, she was taller then Meredith and she seemed relaxed.

"Isobel Stevens, but you can call me izzie" the blonde said sticking her hand out.

"Meredith grey" Meredith said shaking her hand, before her pager started going off. 911. Meredith quickly made her way down to the pit, waiting outside for the rig when she was met by derek and the same redhead from earlier.

"chief" Meredith said smiling. it was freezing outside.

"Dr.Grey" he said smiling at her.

"how far out is the rig?" they both said at the same time. April quickly cut in "about 10 minutes out" she said, derek knew Meredith was freezing, so he gave her the blanket that was keeping him warm.

"oh thank god." she smiled. The blanket must've came from his office, she remembers it sitting on his couch.

"it's freezing cold isn't it?" April asked. the ambulance was there in less than 10 minutes maybe like 5, Meredith took the blanket off handing it to derek when he told april to take it back to his office, she did whatever she was told.

"what do we have?" derek asked as the doors to the ambulance threw open. Meredith stood there, in shock.

"oh my god." she whispered, she was on the edge of passing out. she watched as a tall redhead traded places with derek.

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