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Meredith stood there, trying to process what was happening.

"Meredith!" derek said, pulling her out of her trance.

"sorry. i'm sorry." Meredith said walking back into the hospital.
Derek stood next to the taller ginger man,

"patients name?"  he asked

"ellis grey. She has early onset alzheimer's," owen stated

Derek then looked between meredith and the women on the table.

"do you need a consult?" derek asked watching meredith leave.

"no, it's all good here shepherd" owen said as derek left to follow meredith, but she was already gone. maybe she was where he showed her, so he went there, down to the tunnels and there she was, sitting with her head in her hands. sobbing.

"Meredith?" he asked stepping closer, slowly like she was a ticking time bomb that was about to explode.

"i'm okay." she said wiping her tear stained cheeks. Derek sat next to her, and rubbed her arm to keep her comfort.

"that's where my mothers been." she said looking at him.

"do you want to talk about it?"

"no. i don't" she said resting her head on his shoulder sobbing. He just let her, he didn't know what to do. so he tried to keep her company.

"i'll be fine really derek, you can go if you want. You don't have to stay here" she said sniffing. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay with her for as long as he could

"it's fine. I want to stay." he said pulling her closer and rubbing her arms.

"y'know the person that told me about these tunnels said no one ever comes here." she said causing them both to laugh.

"it's not a very good hiding spot if you share it, right?" he said causing her to smile, the prettiest smile he's ever seen.

"i guess so." she remarked seriously, she just started to cry, and he held her as long as he could before,

*beep* *beep* *beep*

"it's 911, go." she said looking down at his pager.

"i'll find you later today Meredith. promise" he said leaving her alone. She quickly got herself together and walked back to the pit, her mothers trauma room empty. She quickly scouted out the same ginger man from earlier going up to him,

"where did the other Dr.Grey go?" she asked praying ellis did not just die. Not before they found a cure, as if that would change things between her and her estranged mother.

"she's on the third floor. i'm not sure exactly what room."

"thank you so much Dr" she said looking down at his badge "Dr.Hunt" she said leaving stepping into the elevator.

"you're new here?" the bubbly blonde asked.

"yeah." meredith said when the elevator stopped.

"nice to meet you!" Arizona stated as meredith walked out. Meredith would find her later and apologize definitely.

"hey where's my mother?" she asked derek who was in a hurry.

"up and around the corner the first one," he said "bye Meredith!" he said leaving her quickly. She stalked around her mothers room, she was still breathing, good now she good go. As she turned around she ran into someone.



"richard!" she said, quickly leaving, this time to her office. She got in, and shut the door sliding down it, as sobs racked her body. their was to much going on. Meredith eventually got up, and sat on the couch, looking out the window. The snow rapidly falling. She was brought out of her trance when there was a knock at the door.

"who is it?" she asked curiously still not moving her head from the window.

"it's derek." he said confidently,

"okay." she said, watching her door creep open. There was a box in derek's hand, it was black and had a white tie on top.

"i know christmas isn't for another 4 months. But, this is just a welcome present" he smiled kindly, handing her the box as he sat next to her.

"go on open it." he said as she carefully untied the ribbon, pulling off the top of the box revealing a jar, with what seemed to be a kidney.

"oooo i've always wanted one of these" she said smartly, causing them to both laugh. Derek quickly got up, turned off the lights and drew the blinds.

"it glows in the dark too?" she asked.

"yes it does."

"how did you even get your hands on this thing." she said laughing.

"being chief has it's perks" he said flipping back on the light. the kidney no longer glowing.
Meredith's first day was quickly over, it's like it had flown by. She prayed tomorrow maybe she'd get a surgery when she was approached, by a group of the attending's even derek. He made her smile, he was the only one she knew.

"you down for a game of baseball?" the shortest women asked.

"uh sure?, in the snow?" meredith stated.

"yeah." the shorter women replied

"why not." meredith said kindly

"we'll see you in a bit then.'' she smiled as they all walked away, just leaving meredith and derek.

"do you wanna ride?" he asked curiously shoving his hands in his pockets, he was wearing a long grey jacket, and a blue scarf. It complemented him perfectly. his eyes were being brought out, because of the blue in the scarf.

"yeah. sure. as long as you promise not to kill me." she giggled following him to the car. He opened the door for her , closing it as she got in, he hoped in on the other side.

They stared the drive, before they got stuck in traffic, of course. Derek quickly turned up the radio as the loud music started screaming through the radio.

"god derek." meredith said asking him to turn it down.

He quickly turned it down, the silence filling the car.

"sorry about that." he said looking over at Meredith, who's head was in her hands, she was quickly asleep. He watched her, she was honestly beautiful, even when she was asleep, so he made the u turn, and drove her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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