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As I open my eyes, I see I'm on a concrete floor, in what I remember is the cellar. I see that the walls are destroyed from the bullets, and the floor has spots of blood. I look down at myself and see blood bleeding from my navel and in other places where I have wounds. Everything still remains intact as it was before, apart from my family being murdered. I recall hearing Olga mentioning something about Paris and the Pont Alexander. I look at the chair I was sitting on hours ago. I roll my body over, and put the palms of my hands on the base of the chair. I pull myself up, using every particle of energy that I have left. This was a difficult task, as my legs still feel numb and are refusing to work. I stand up and limp to the door, once I am there, I freeze with caution. Somewhere in the halls I hear the murmur of voices.

"We have an order Igor, to ensure the boy is dead."

"What if he isn't huh, what do we do then?"

"Kill him."

I feel my throat turn dry, if these men find me I'll most likely be strangled to death or shot in the heart. The feeling in my legs is slowly returning, but not quick enough. I put my hand on the wall, balancing my body upright. The hall is deathly quiet, which is causing me to feel butterflies in my stomach, the feeling in my legs is almost back, at least I'm not thumping against the walls as I had been doing moments before. I turn the corner and I see the two men I had heard talking.

"Berdy?" Igor says looking directly at me.


"Would he happen to be him?" Igor asks.

Berdy looks at me surprised that I am alive, then starts to scowl in anger.

"You're supposed to be dead boy," Berdy says through gritted teeth.

"Please let me go," I say quietly.

"I'm sorry. But I can't," Berdy replies.

"Why?" I ask.

"Your father, mother and sisters are gone. The Romanov dynasty is dead," Berdy tells me.

"Actually Igor, only Nickolay and Aleksandra were killed. Ol'ga, Tat'yana, Mariya and Anastasiya have all escaped execution," Igor informs Berdy.

"Well, Aleksey won't be leaving this house."

"What makes you think that?" I challenge them.

"well, a little bird told me that you have Haemophilia. Is that true?" Berdy asks mockingly.

"What goes on with me doesn't concern you," I say back.

The feeling in my legs, has fully returned. I run down the last of the halls, with Berdy and Igor hot on my tail. I open the front door and bolt down the steps with the sunlight blinding my eyes.

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