Long time no see

505 13 2

(Slightly inspired by "Yandere Huggywuggy x reader" by hekkeno )

*T.w-experimented and abused huggy*

You held your mothers hand as you walked in the bright and colorful factory

It's been very busy but luckily your parents were able to get tickets to see the newest toy that was about to be released today

You were excited, you saw the previews on the advertisements and the cartoon

As you and your parents waited to be admission in,
You looked around the crowded room, there you saw a slightly opened door

You knew better to not go through it but the curiosity got the better of you and you decided to explore it anyways

Letting go of your mothers hand, her not noticing your small gesture, you were free to roam around

Your small frame easily squeezed through the horde of people and snuck through the door

There you saw was a long, dimmed hallway, with some encouragement posters of the factories mascots

Your eyes caught one of the posters

There you saw the newest mascot of the playtime.co

"Huggywuggy.." you quietly exclaimed, out of all the characters he, was your favorite

You continued to walk down, barely a sound of your foot steps were made, it was as if you were a small mice quietly trying to steal a crumb or two

You then heard chatter from some adults, you couldn't tell what they were talking about but when you peaked through the door you saw, what seemed like blue fur

"Are you sure he's completely ready to be out there? Exp.1006 hasn't completed some of his tests yet. How are you so sure he'll not go rogue again."

You were confused what did that man mean?
Experiment 1006? Who could that be?

"Damn it. It's almost time, make sure everything is prepared, there's a lot of families out there and I don't want this to mess up the companies reputation, got it?" The man walked out the door, I took the chance to sneak in and see what they meant by experiment.1006

When you saw the coast was clear you came out of my hiding spot

you couldn't believe it! you stood in front of the one and only huggy, but for some reason he was in a cage and with a distressed expression on his face

You looked at him with sorrowful eyes and went to touch his hand gently

He flinched, like as if you were about to do something to him

You gave him time to warm up to me, as you felt his hand relaxed a bit

You let go as you started to look for something

Looking back towards huggy you can tell he wanted to be held more

He let out a small grunt as he waited for you to come back and hold his hand again

Finally finding what you needed, you went towards the cages lock, with the key in your hand you unlocked it

The cage creaked eerily as huggy stayed there, unsure what to do next

Gesturing for him to come closer to you, he took the chance

Wearily crawling towards you, he stopped as his expression turned into a pained one

Looking at the direction where he was hurting, it was almost all over his body

There were cuts and bruises, it was a horrible sight

You slowly walked towards him, while he was backing away from you at the same time

You're hand gently found it's way to where his heart was

You felt it beating, he was a real living, breathing creature

But that didn't made you back away, moving your hands off his chest, you wrapped them around his fluffy body as you held him tight with all your strength

Of course you are much more smaller than him, so he took the chance to hug you back

It was a warm feeling, neither of you both wanted to let go

What felt like hours were only a couple of seconds as you felt something grabbing behind the back of your clothes

You were yanked from huggy, startled by who it was, it was the same man who was talking about experiment.1006

The man grabbed your arm upright making you yelp in pain, he was quite rough and it was able to twist your arm

You heard growling from behind you, a tall lengthy creature stood up, it was huggy

But he didn't look happy whatsoever

Huggy charged at the man as he started to scream bloody murder

Falling to the ground, the pain from your arm was unbearable

You started to cry as you held your arm

You were lifted up from the ground as you felt soft fur

Looking up to see a bloody huggy, although the view was horrifying, you still felt safe nevertheless

Both you and him were exhausted as he sat down in his cage and held you for the meantime

The man laid there, not moving a muscle, his body was slowly deteriorating; there was nothing but a blood puddle surrounding him

The last few memories you had from that event were some strangers and your parents holding you tight

You tiredly looked around the room as you saw the strangers grabbing huggy

"No!! Leave huggy alone!" You shouted but it was too late

The door closed behind you and your parents as you started to cry

You stood in front of the abounded factory

You haven't been there in years and your memories were now blurred

You couldn't help but feel a strong sense of déjà vu

Squeezing your way into the entrance you looked around with amazement in your eyes

From the way the factory was pictured in your mind it looked exactly the same

Exploring deeper into the factory, you couldn't help but feel your you were being watched, from every corner and angle

You finally made it to the main area

You looked around and saw a little information table about the factory's best-selling toy

"Huggy wuggy.." you read out loud, that name sounded so familiar yet you couldn't put your finger on it

Looking up from the table you noticed something off

The 'stature' that was supposed to be there was gone

Feeling a presence from behind you, you turned around slowly as you're eyes widen

"Long time no see, huh?"

Aaaaaa! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm apologize for not publishing a chapter as fast, I'll try to publish at least 2-5 days (depending on what the chapters about) but I also want to give a big thank you to those who have been reading this oneshot!
I've never that that this would get so much readers so thank you guys for the support!
New chapters are coming out soon, I'm planning on publishing 6 more after this one; but after that I'll open up requests! Anyways hope you guys have. Wonderful day/night, bye! :-)


Daily dose of hugs <3 - 𝑯𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒚𝒘𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒚 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now