my dreams (syaf)

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It was a breezy and chill morning, the sun was rising, kissing the night goodbye, and up comes a new day. I was extremely excited for this moment, the day we would finally come together as a family and a trip to Japan with my significant other, Irfan. My dad had agreed to bring him along as my "extra safety" and thus begin our momentous journey at 5 A.M. in the morning to catch the flight to Tokyo in 2 hours. 

"Have you packed everything?" my mom asked. 

"Go and call Irfan and ask him where he's at, and tell him to meet at the airport so we can do the admin matters ASAP" 

I did as I was told, and a few moments after we decided to hail for a taxi to head our way towards Changi Airport.

As we arrived and stepped into the terminal mall, it welcomed us with open arms and cool air blowing into our faces, the aroma of sweet and savory bakeries lined up at the sides of the aisle. I called Irfan again to ask for his whereabouts as we were an hour away from check-in, which to my surprise he was already there standing at the entrance of the terminal we were in. 

"Hey" he smirked. What a cheeky guy. 

"Assalammualaikum, makcik, pakcik"
"Wa'alaikumsalam, it's okay you can just call us Ibu and Ayah"

I blushed and thought to myself, how can my parents easily allow him to call them mom and dad even if we literally just knew each other? That's a little too far-fetched is it not? True, they might have met him a number of times before this such as the day I introduced him to my parents, or the days where he dropped me right outside my house a couple of times but... To go this far when we're on a holiday trip is a little too much? What am I saying though, if they're okay with it then I'm all ears to hear him call my parents "mom" and "dad".

~~~~~~ 2 HOURS LATER: 7 A.M BOARDING TIME - ~~~~~~

We were finally able to enter the plane that will reach us to our destination of Tokyo, Japan. My heart has been beating like a drum, imagining the fun moments I could share with my few favorite people in my life, especially him. We took up the seats near the windows, I for one to want to sit directly beside it, took the spot first. The aisle on the left was a 3 seater and so my parents had to separate from us by seating at the row directly in front of me and Irfan. 

As I got comfortable with the seats and readied myself for the flight, Irfan was frantically searching for something in the overhead locker. 

"Are you okay? What are you searching for?" I asked.
"Uh... I've been trying to find my earpiece but I can't seem to search for it anywhere. It's not in my pockets or the bag that I currently have right now with me."
"It's okay, I think it might have been in your luggage and you didn't realize it somehow. You can use mine, I'll just be using the ones the flight company has provided"
"No, no it's alright, you can use them"

I rolled my eyes and just threw my earbuds at him.

"Just take it please" I begged.

He took in a long breath and sighed at the thought of his own idiocy.

"Just enjoy okay? We're going on a holiday trip together and it's a miracle my parents has allowed you to come along, it's just earbuds anyway we can get other cool ones when we're there even if you lost it." 

Irfan decided to settle down at the seat next to mine and stared at the screen in front of him which showed an introduction to the company of the flight we decided to board on. 

"We're going on a trip together... With your parents..." he whispered. 
"Isn't that crazy?" 

"Yeah I know, I'm not entirely sure what went through their heads because you obviously know how strict they are but I think they have full trust in you that you'll be a good guy for me just really shows how much promise you showed them, hehe" I giggled.

An announcement blared through the speakers of the airplane which says, 

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen of Flight 709A this is your cabin crew speaking, we will now be on our way to depart to Tokyo, Japan so sit back and enjoy the rest of the flight"

~~~~~~ 30 Minutes later ~~~~~~

After the quick lunch we had which has been provided by the airlines, with cod fish and corn on a cob on the sides, my eyes started drooping due to food coma. Eyelids heavy and my brain shutting down, I fell into a deep slumber without realizing a single moment of it. As my consciousness slowly fades away, it lost the energy to keep my head up and it fell right into... an arm. Arms that could hold a girl's head that could protect her from any harm...

Irfan felt a slight nudge on his left arm and the soft chiffon which had embraced his arms. He turned to his left to find a head of his lover, with sunlight from the window sills that fell on her soft skin. He smiled to himself and thought about the many memories he was going to make with not only her, but her family as well. The thought of him being with her forever made his heart skip a beat, knowing how he knew she was the perfect one for him, for better or for worse. She knew every antic of his habits, the way she was willing to reach out to help him, the way she understood every single action he did, no matter how mysterious his actions were, she knew it all. He continued staring at her while he trailed his eyes down to her hands, luminated by the sun rays. Irfan took his pinky and slowly reached out to hers while muttering to himself; 

"Promise I'll be with you forever" 

Irfan took a huge breath in and sighed, laying his head over hers.

~~~~~~ 4 hours later ~~~~~~

I woke up with the urge to head to the bathroom because of how cold the plane was but I was wondering why do I feel like I'm sleeping on something really.... soft? And why am I so low? I awoke to the sight of something gray and flat which looked like the back of an airplane chair and as I tried to face up, I saw a face looming over me with eyes closed. 

"What? When did I ever get on his lap?"

I noticed his palms resting at the back of my head while his other hand was curled up into a fist, resting his head on it.

"Oh my goodness... Did he just allowed me to sleep on his lap??" I thought to myself

I immediately sat up straight and brushed off any wrinkles off my hijab to prepare myself for the toilet. Irfan instantly woke up and opened his eyes as well, noticing my movements that were never discreet in the first place. 

"Hm...? Fiqah you gi mana?" he asked.

"Oh? Uh, toilet jap"
"Okay. Nak I ikut tak?"
"Huh???? Eish tak payah sudah !!!" 

I hurriedly tried to move out of the seats to get away from this weirdo I call my boyfriend. Oh my goodness he truly does love to tease it gets annoying at times. 

"Adventure awaits us in the next few hours"

I smiled.

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