that's how it all started (Afreen)

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"Another week of pure boredom... Ugh"

As Athika Afreen pondered over how will she be spending her holidays, knowing so well that she wouldn't even be allowed to step foot out of the house, without either: a) her mom following, b) having a family outing, c) visiting the same old Hougang Mall or even d)... lying, nothing else would have mattered into winning her mother's heart to release her out into the sea of "monstrous people" (in her point of view).
She read through manga, webtoons, watched anime, even called her closest friends, but none of that seemed to be able to entertain her for long. She needed interaction, a timeout from that place called "home", but to no one's surprise the cycle repeats day and night.

Athika Afreen's home

Afreen laid down on the sofa, almost on the edge of falling asleep when...

Eyes wide, she went to check her notification and she couldn't believe it. Were her eyes playing tricks on her? 

yolomamaswag: Oh you finish intern already?

"WHAT!?" Afreen couldn't help but squeal, unable to contain her shock and excitement. Without hesitation, she texted the konny aku jelly group, along with her secondary school friends the unexpected DM received.

konny aku jelly

let'spretendthere'sanadminname:  *sends screenshot*
*anime sticker cry*
*anime sticker sad*
*anime sticker shocked*


moonlightbae: chillll *laughing emoji* its just a normal dm replying to ur story man, if he ask u out then ok ah understandable LMAOOO
drunk: *doesn't reply*

anickname: *sends 10,000 crying stickers*

She could not believe it, the fact that he has always been replying to her stories amazes her no matter the number of times he has done that.
"What is he trying to do with all these replies?  Can he please stop this before I have unnecessary thoughts about all of this?" She thought to herself.

She opened the DM with a slow and deep breath, calming herself down before she faces what lies beyond.


"Ah ya HAHAHAHA" she replied.
She ponders with much thought, were these words enough to grab his attention? Then again, it's gonna be the same as before, just a reply with no meaning, (which really sucks) but that's how life works because it never goes the way you want it to.

A few minutes passed and another notification popped up. Afreen couldn't help but check her notifications and see if it was...

yolomamaswag: "Hey do you wanna go out sometime?" 

All she could do was stare, mouth agape, eyes wide. Is... is this real?? This is not a joke?? It took her several minutes for her to process such heavily powered information into her mind, neurons connecting with one another. 

Alas, comes the realization after a good 5 minutes and she texted her group without hesitation.

*spams like, 50000 crying emoji to the group* (someone call 911)

*sends screenshot of Shafiq asking her out*


moonlightbae: "OH               MY                              GOD"

drunk: GO.

Was it really the time? Was she ready? Is this even right? Can my mom allow this? 

No, there's no time to think about all of that, THIS is MY moment, THIS is THE TIME, he has already asked me out AND I NEED TO GO. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!

She quickly switched apps to "Instagram" and without hesitation, she replied with a:

"Ya, sure, where?"

Can you believe it, Sultanul Ariff Athika Afreen said YES to a DATE?!?!?

Not even it being 5 minutes in, Shafiq replied, "You can't go so far right? I'll go to you, it's Hougang Mall?"

"Ahhhhhh yap"

"Okay I'll see you this Friday :)"

And that was it. 

A date.





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