Graduation (Izzah)

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5.45 A.M
Alarm Rings

"It's... Graduation Day"
"Allah, why am I so nervous?"

Izzah woke up feeling slightly addled over her dreams she couldn't quite remember vividly. It was all a blur, but somehow she did recall that it had something to do with... A guy. A very unexpected guest in fact. After a few seconds of hard pondering into the abyss, she shrugged it off without more thoughts of it, and continued on with her daily morning routine, as she prepares herself for the most important day of her life thus far. 

Unable to contain her excitement, she grabbed her phone and hurriedly texted her best buddies in the "konny aku jelly" Telegram group, which was made solely just for the three of them, the other two being Afreen and Syafiqah.

konny aku jelly

drunk: SELAMAT MORNINGZ (5.50 a.m)
anunnamedadminnamebecauseherfingersweretooitchysoheradminmembershipgotrevoked: GOOF MORINGGGGGG

*takes a 3 second video of  her face without  context while she eyebrows the front camera*
moonlightbae: early in the morning i see ur face alr i want vomit blood

iamnotgoingtorepeatherlongassnicknameihavegivenherearlier: AWWWCCHHHH
*sends sad sticker of anime bois and girls*
drunk: afreen, shhh

She couldn't help but smile over the littlest things that are brought up in the chat group as it never failed to make her day. Content, she placed her phone down and she is off to her last day at school.


11.30  A.M

ITE College East

All ITE Business graduates gathered at the 3rd floor just right outside the lift lobby, where a scrumptious buffet was held along the aisle, with it's tantalizing aroma that wafted into everyone's noses, mouth agape and watering over a taste of the delicious meal that was kindly organized by the school for it's ITE graduates and family, to signify, celebrate and mark the end of their journey in ITE.

Izzah and her buddies were anxiously planning for a bold move that might either come across as her life or (close to) death moment if she messes it up. She is well-known to have an honest colour of a rosy pink blush whenever she tends to feel embarrassed or shy around someone or a topic, which was why they needed to be very careful when executing this plan out. As they thoroughly brainstormed possible ways to bring about this bold move for Izzah, someone extremely familiar caught Syafiqah's eye, emerging from the lift lobby to the grounds of the 3rd floor.

"Speak of the devil... Zah... Oh my God, look, look, LOOK! TURN AROUND!"

As she turned slowly, what she saw was indescribable. A tall and lean silhouette, around 178 centimeters in height, who's hair was pushed to the sides to enhance his strong forehead and chiseled jaw. He had a wide and charming smile while laughing, and wow, that could have caught almost every girl's heart. He was surprisingly not wearing his graduation robe just yet, but was dressed in a male's Business school uniform whilst holding his tie. On both of his sides were his best people that he was always with, playfully pushing each other over jokes only they could ever understand.

The unknown silhouette was Khairul Mohtar, a charming 20 year old, with an unknown relationship status, a man Izzah has laid eyes on since the first day she saw him. In the clique of three, he's known to be the "slipper boy, bamboo, pole, "idiot" even, the "why-is-he-always-taking-selfies-outside-the-lift-lobby-with-his-clique-when-the-lighting-is-so-bad guy" and numerous more names (which the writer herself can't recall. she apologizes)"

Izzah was speechless and shocked beyond compare, but she knew she had to remain her cool or her plans could go bust, without it having to even start. 

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