the man who went mad

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After converting to another religion and completely new religion Peter Packer was actually happy that he was learning this new religion through the help of a kid who unwittingly was living in the basement of a house. And every day that you would come to visit the kid in the basement to see what he can learn about the religion every day.
"What do you.want to learn,"the kid said in an alway demonic voice. With eyes that sliced though your soul." I I am the founder of this religion you should follow what I say"
"I want to.learn about the meaning of it peaceful," the man inquired even though he was scared from from the kids gazes.
Those.eyes where piercing practicality flesh not justnthe soul.
The man and not tell his wife or children of his conversion to this weird religion. But one of the kids said that the meaning of life was to quell as hell and Chaos on Earth he started to freak out.
"Are you kidding me," he screamed.
Then the kid turned into the Devil Himself the Great Satan.  Lucifer.
" do as I tell you and you will be at my right side forever for eternity in hell and he will not face damnation"
The next day the man picked up a weapon and killed first his family then he ended up killing his neighbours and a psychotic Rage or seemingly psychotic rage. 
The police were called in to help put it into it they had to get riot gear but the man then ended his own life as if he was possessed. One of the officers said he had the eyes of the Devil Himself. Something that no officer or psychiatrist can ever see you in the most mentally ill patients.
This happened in my brother's house a long time ago about 10 years ago. When I want to is house 10 years later after this deed was done I felt nothing but heavy energy Madness sadness and any kind of negative emotion that you can think of I wanted to get the f*** out of there as soon as possible. I felt sorry for Peter that he had to live in this house although it was beautiful it had blood stain the walls. It was a haunted neighbourhood to begin with. Because of the man who followed the demon kids advice on how to worship God in the first place.
I was told of this story by my then sister-in-law who used to who was related to the man the madman of Highland Park Drive and was telling me blow-by-blow even as much as the blows to the bodies of his victims. When I finally got home what my mother asked me what was wrong I said I had nothing. I ended up wanting to throw up as if I had a flu or some kind of stomach bug but I knew I would have fit for the Olympics at the time.

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